Procrastinate? You? Nooo. We should probably make a procrastinator's club between the two of us. We could be queens of procrastination. XD
Them being werewolves is a minor detail to remember, really. What's one step up from imaginary friends? Muses?
Even if you manage to go a day without hearing (externally, anyhow) music, a song will probably pop in your head at some point. You're right that there is a sort of mysticism to being a musician, and that there's something so powerful in music itself. When I was a kid, I DREAMED of being a big drummer in a band, but lyrics and notes just wouldn't come to me. I really admire how for some people songs just flow.
And hey, there's no shortage of drama and fun when it comes to musicians either. ;D I definitely understand your fascination with writing about bands.
Them being werewolves is a minor detail to remember, really. What's one step up from imaginary friends? Muses?
Even if you manage to go a day without hearing (externally, anyhow) music, a song will probably pop in your head at some point. You're right that there is a sort of mysticism to being a musician, and that there's something so powerful in music itself. When I was a kid, I DREAMED of being a big drummer in a band, but lyrics and notes just wouldn't come to me. I really admire how for some people songs just flow.
And hey, there's no shortage of drama and fun when it comes to musicians either. ;D I definitely understand your fascination with writing about bands.
I guess so.
I don't understand song writing at all. As far as I'm concerned it's just straight up magic.
Yes! Exactly! Give me all the drama and all the egos!
Will we ever get to see any of these mysterious high school stories?
It totally is.
There's no shortage of personality either. XD
Maybe! I'll have to raid the Box 'O Old Notebooks.
Are there booby traps?
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