Memories 14/14

Nov 21, 2009 18:59

Title/Series Info: Memories
Pairing: Hints of Jack/Ianto
Rating/Warning: Rated T for the usual Torchwood antics
Summary: Ianto Jones wakes up in hospital with no memory of how he got there. Who are the Agniton? What do they want with Jack? It’s up to Torchwood to find out and prevent any more deaths occurring… Janto pairing. Pre-COE.
Disclaimer: No matter how much of Ianto's coffee I drink, I still don't own Torchwood
A/N: Thanks to everyone who's followed the story! Here it is, the final chapter…


“...when I came to, the Agniton were gone and you were just laying there.” Jack’s voiced cracked, “I thought I was too late. I thought I’d lost you...” Ianto leaned forward and they shared a tight embrace.

“It’s all right, Jack,” he smiled. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” A few moments passed before they returned to their original positions; Jack continuing to grip both of Ianto’s hands.

Ianto looked over at Gwen, “Are you alright, now?”

“Yeah, thanks. Broken collar bone, broken arm, bumps and bruises - nothing a bit of medication can’t fix. I was more worried about you though.” She looked into his deep, blue eyes. “When Jack told me what happened, I...” she paused, choking back the lump in her throat. “Are you alright now?”

“I think so,” he replied, though his smile dropped as a sudden thought hit him. “Oh god, I haven’t… haven’t got any… y’know,” he gestured a shaking finger towards the crown of his head.

“Holes?” Jack swallowed, “I’m really, really sorry Ianto, but there are several large…” he stopped abruptly mid-sentence as Gwen thumped his left forearm.

“You’re a cruel man, Harkness.” She turned to her panic-stricken colleague, “No, Ianto love, the holes disappeared just like the other victims’.”

He let out a sigh of relief. “I guess I was lucky...”

“So it would seem, Mr Jones.” The three colleagues jumped as Nurse Taggart, once again, popped her head around the curtain. “I know I said that he didn’t tell us anything, but all that talk of aliens! Well, I think you were better off not knowing...!” She picked up the clipboard and ran through her usual procedure.

Jack looked at her, slightly stunned. “How much of that did you hear exactly?”

“Oh, about the last ten minutes or so. I was changing the bed next door.”

Gwen looked at Jack and mimed: Retcon? Jack nodded subtly.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to leave Mr Jones alone now, Captain. It’s six o’clock, and you know what Matron says about visiting hours.”

“Will do,” he smiled and turned to Ianto. “I’m glad you’re awake,” he said, kissing him gently. “We’ll be back tomorrow.” He and Gwen stood up.

“Thank you, Jack. For saving me.”

“For you, Ianto, anything!”

With a wave, they made their way over to the double doors. Jack turned around briefly to mouth I love you, before completely disappearing from view.

Ianto grinned and settled back down in his bed. His headache had cleared now, and he could murder a coffee. Somehow, though, he didn’t fancy one from the vending machine...

He could hear Jack’s voice at the end of the ward: “Nurse Taggart?”

“Please, call me Nancy,” she replied with a giggle. He could imagine Gwen rolling her eyes.

There was a pause. “Nancy, what time does your shift end? I’d like to take you out for a drink, to thank you for helping Ianto.”

“Well, give me two minutes to finish up and I’ll be ready! Ooo, you could tell me more about those aliens...”

“Hmm, we’ll see...”

Ianto laid back and looked out of the window, watching as the sun began to set behind the horizon. He thought about the precious memories that the Agniton could have taken from him, those of Owen, Tosh, Gwen, Rhiannon and the kids, Jack...

He closed his eyes, the air conditioning feeling cool against his face.

Right now, Ianto Jones felt like the luckiest man alive.


A/N: Well, there you have it. I hope you enjoyed it. And, due to the series’ unforgivable ending, this story is in memory of Mr Jones, without whom Torchwood will never be the same…

fic: gwen, fic: ianto, fic: jack, fic

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