Fic - Decisions, Decisions

Sep 11, 2010 16:35

Title: Decisions, Decisions
Fandom: Being Human
Summary: George is being his usual fussy self and is trying to get things organised for Nina's visit. He has an important decision to make and needs Mitchell's opinion. The vampire, however, is rather reluctant to co-operate... One-shot. Mitchell & George
Disclaimer: I do not own Being Human. Bummer. All rights and what have you belong to the BBC and Toby 'The Lord' Whithouse
Rating/Warning: Doesn't contain anything bad, but I'll rate it T purely because it's Being Human. :)
A/N: This is my first ever piece of Being Human fan-fic - it's a fandom I've wanted to write for since I first started watching! It's just a little silly piece, but I hope you like it! Reviews and comments are always welcome, thank you! :D 






"Hey, sleepy head!"

"Urgh, what?" Mitchell's mop of curls eventually emerged from the tangle of duvet. He winced, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the sudden change of light.

"Mitchell, I need your help!"

"George. It's… " He looked down at his wrist watch and groaned, "it's 3am!"

"Is it? Ohh, well, I just wanted to make sure everything was ready for when Nina-"

"Nina's not coming over 'til tonight, George!"

George pushed his glasses up his nose, "Yyyes, I know that."

"Then why the hell are you worrying about it now?"

"Well, I want everything to be perfect… Annie and I have spent the past hour tidying up downstairs and finally managed to get behind that fridge to clean it! The beef's been put into the marinade and the wine opened to breathe-"

"Honestly, George, you can be so anal! Just do it all later!"

"Some may say that's a good thing, you know. Being caring and thoughtful and tidy, wanting to make a good impression and… hey!" he suddenly squeaked, "Did you just call me anal?"

"Yes. Yes I did. Please, for the love of Laurel and Hardy, go back to bed George. You can worry about this at a more reasonable hour-"

"But I reallllly need your help!"

Mitchell looked up at his friend's child-like pout and puppy-dog eyes. He sighed - how could he say no to that face? Quite easily, actually. He turned over and stuck his head under the pillow. "Go and ask Annie."

"I have. I just need your opinion before I can make a consecutive decision."

"Fine!" Mitchell threw back the duvet and sat up. "You have my full and undivided attention. What's this huge life-and-death burning question you have to ask me, which is obviously so important that you're choosing to deprive a vampire of their sleep?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, contemplating whether he should turn his eyes black for added effect.

George held up two boxes, "Pirates of the Caribbean, or Finding Nemo?" he asked innocently.

A copy of the Yellow Pages sailed through the air and collided with his head, knocking his glasses askew. "OWWWWWWWW! I was only asking..!"

being human, fic

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