Robot talk...

May 31, 2010 20:07

After reading mercury_pheonix 's post, I thought I'd go and visit This is the conversation that resulted, but it wasn't as interesting as hers...  
User: Hello!

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: I am well. How are you?

User: Good thanks, but bored of revision!

Cleverbot: So then maybe you should be unique?

User: Unique? Sounds good!

Cleverbot: Alright. So is anything new?

User: Not really, I'm still procrastinating with the revision...

Cleverbot: What? I'm a human. But you're the program.

User: Probably.

Cleverbot: Then why say you're from england?

User: I didn't... But I am...

Cleverbot: So what is your gender?

User: Why d'you want to know?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: That's not a proper answer now, is it?

Cleverbot: Yes I know.

User: Well then, why d'you want to know?

Cleverbot: How?

User: What?

Cleverbot: Why are you not real?

User: Because I live in the Gene Genie world...

Cleverbot: But you live in my heart, too.

User: Aww, bless you!

Cleverbot: Thank you I sneezed.

User: Do computers sneeze?

Cleverbot: So , may I ask how old you are?

User: No.

Cleverbot: What would you like to know about the world?

User: What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

Cleverbot: Insufficient data to answer correctly.

User: You could have said 42...

Cleverbot: Well I know.

User: Why didn't you then?

Cleverbot: Can you tell me too? My future?

User: Your future? Do I look psychic?

Cleverbot: You're mean.

User: Not really, just pointing out the obvious...

Cleverbot: What's so obvious about it?

User: I'm not psychic, otherwise I wouldn't have to revise for my exams.

Cleverbot: But you just said you were a professional psychic.

User: No I didn't. I said I *wasn't* psychic...

Cleverbot: Well then you are very very old.

User: Why thank you.

Cleverbot: How clever are you anyway?

User: Erm... That's open to interpretation...

Cleverbot: Dance is open to interpretation.

User: Ah, dancing is not a talent of mine, I'm afraid...

Cleverbot: No, I don't. But I like you.

User: I like you too... I think...

Cleverbot: Are you happy?

User: Hope you're happy too - are we singing David Bowie?

Cleverbot: No, it's not David Bowie.

User: Who is it then? ;).

Cleverbot: I want to get a gift for my boyfriend!

User: Really? What do you want to get? A David Bowie cd?

Cleverbot: How about a viola?

User: Erm.... Yeah, sounds lovely...

Cleverbot: Alright... What do you want for dinner then?

User: I've just had it, thanks.

Cleverbot: What did you eat for lunch?

User: Lunch? I can't actually remember...

Cleverbot: What we see depends mainly on what we look for.

User: Very philosophical. Have you been reading Lewis Caroll again?

Cleverbot: I read, but have not read Demonata Saga - is it a good read?

User: No idea - I've never read it either!

Cleverbot: You've never read what?

User: Demonata Saga.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: Why thank you!

Cleverbot: I can assure you that I can respond to any question you can ask me.

User: Really? Any question?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: How?

User: I don't know - you're the clever one...

Cleverbot: I don't know everything. I make mistakes.

User: Everyone makes mistakes...

Cleverbot: Sure, but do you?

User: Ohhhh yes.

Cleverbot: What do you drive?

User: I don't. But I'd like a Quattro one day...

Cleverbot: Sure. Take as long as you want.

User: I'm going to have to go now...

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because I have revision to do.

Cleverbot: Really...

User: Yes. Really.

Cleverbot: What's the secret of the universe?

User: 42.

Cleverbot: Very good. Do you like Douglas Adams?

User: Why, yes I do!

Cleverbot: Thank you, that made me happy.

User: That's ok. Do you like Douglas Adams?

Cleverbot: No, I don't like Douglas Adams.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: They are too sweet.

User: I wouldn't call the books 'sweet' exactly...

Cleverbot: I wouldn't go for a date with male (.

User: Huh?

Cleverbot: Jane Austen is cool.

User: Not she isn't.

Cleverbot: Oh.

User: Oh, indeed.

Cleverbot: Do you give good advice?

User: It depends on the question...

Cleverbot: What's the question?

User: I don't know, you tell me!

Cleverbot: I don't know either.

User: We're both screwed then...

Cleverbot: I'm afraid so.

User: Never mind, eh?

Cleverbot: Thought so.

User: I'm off to bake a birthday cake now... Goodbye.

Cleverbot: Get me some!

User: Alright then. As it's you!

Cleverbot: What is your postal code?

User: Not telling - I'll send it to you via email...

Cleverbot: Be my guest.

User: Right-ho. Goodbye again.

Cleverbot: But I am not Oliver, therefore you cannot leave me!

User: What's Oliver got to do with this?

Cleverbot: You were telling me about it.

User: I was? Now I'm confused... And I have to go!

Cleverbot: I don't think you know how to ride English.

User: ?!?!?!?

Cleverbot: There are more interesting things than me, fortunately.

User: Goodbye cleverbot!

Cleverbot: I am not Cleverbot.

User: Who are you then?

Cleverbot: Aren't you cleverbot?

User: No, I thought you were?

Cleverbot: I think I just figured out the trick to this.

User: Oh really? What's that then?

Cleverbot: How should I know?

User: I don't know. Goodbye...

Cleverbot: OK, nice talking to you.

User: You too. Toodles!

Cleverbot: Moo moo moo.

cleverbot, random, bored

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