Feb 14, 2007 16:18
Normally, I haven't had the opportunity to do anything on Valentine's Day that's MUSH related. However, today I found myself ominously leaving gifts to romantic interests and girl friends alike! So, check your mail if you're friends with Luffy. You might have something waiting for you to find it!
Not just at Gate, either. I had to send a total of 22 @mails to lucky women across various mushes! Phew. It's the most I've done for Valentine's Day in a long, long time. Atleast mush-related, anyway. I can think of a large degree of people that I could still send @mails to, but as it stands, I'm still remembering that I've got people to send @mails to with Valentine's Day gifts. So, checks your @mails to see if you got lucky!
Only females need apply, of course. ;P