Mar 19, 2007 17:17
So I came home today all pumped up for an evening of fungus assignmentness, and then I got all excited because my mom bought avocadoes (for GUACAMOLE! only the BEST food EVER)! But then my mom was all, "PSYCH! You have to go get a tetanus shot today! You've been PUNK'D" (reference Allie). And so now I'm awaiting my poke of pain. Funtimes!
And suck! Even though we have avocadoes, we have no taco chips so we can't actually EAT the guacamole, we can only sniff at it wistfully. Ugh and you know what? I put "cheese sticks" on the grocery list, meaning the rod-like cheese bun things from grocery bakeries. But apparently my mom doesn't know what cheese sticks. She picked up an item that literally has "cheese sticks" written on the package. They're no-name cheese string things. Except here's the catch - they're not peelable. So basically? She bought sticks of individual cheese. Fabbity fab fab!.........NOT!!! (btw...I just saw Borat heh)
Is it weird that I love the commercial where the bankers are scurrying around the house like rats, foraging after money? Cuz I love it.
We did an in-class activity in bio today. It was super easy, a bunch of free marks, and excellent for anal-retentive neat-freak biology students. Poor Alex, he would have loved it. Um actually not poor because hello the caribfreakinbean?! In the steps of Johnny?!!?! Mmmmm JohnnyFeet.
Suzanne Somers is a git. Why is she on my screen. Get off you.
Arrested Development in 3 minutes w00t!!!! It's so freaking awesome.
That's all for now my luvahs.
~Becky xo
p.s. FRIG! Arrested Develpment is not on! And you know why??? Because of the Federal Budget! Frig! Who cares??! We want Arrested Develpment! We want Arrested Development! Stupid finance! Why do my favorite shows always get affected by it? Oprah and Arrested Development! Gah! Stupid Peter Mansbridge! Go die in a hole! Go away! *runs off crying in a corner*
p.p.s. Well. There it is. It is on! Disregard that initial outburst......heh....
"I care very deeply about nature"
"You're wearing ostrich-skin boots.."
"Well I don't care about ostriches, Michael"
Hahaha! Best show ever. Oooh here's more!
"*talking about glasses* Makes him look like a lizard....Plus, he's self-conscious"
"Well gee I wonder why"