Jan 06, 2007 14:51
First let me say that I watched The Office (first time in weeks yayyyy) and amg! Boo for Pam helping Jim/Karen and boo for Roy making her laugh. Hmph. And ewwww for Michael make-out. That's always wrong.
Sooooo homework. Still haven't done it. Apparently I'm still the uberprocrastinator I was at the beginning of break. In good news, I'm not working at all this weekend, and not again until Friday. *fist pump* And apparently we're not keeping on as many seasonals as I thought we were, because yesterday was the last time I will ever see some of the seasonals because their last shifts are tomorrow. *hugs seasonals* It was nice having some boys. There is a large chance that we're going back to one boy on cash, one on customer service, and one in receiving, so he never comes out anyway. And the managers don't count. Life be le rough.
Driving! I hate it! Yayyy! I've had 3 lessons thusfar. Yesterday Alek ate onions for lunch. That was pretty revolting. I parallel parked. And did a looooot of right turns in residential areas. I suck at them for some reason. I also suck at a lot of driving in general, though. Huzzah!
Karen slept over Thursday night. Is it sad that we spent 75% of our waking time attempting to beat the 2nd last level of Diner Dash? First it took us a while to beat the 4th last, then the 3rd last was a random level that wasn't that hard, and now we're stuck on the 2nd last one and it's maddening.
I made plans to do some homework today. Really, I did, stop laughing! Now I'll go and see if I can actually convince myself to do it. It's really bumming me out that school's in 2 days. I kind of like the whole sleeping and not stressing approach to life. Especially the sleeping part. Hope everyone's break went well and that y'all were more productive than I was.
Lazy love,
~Becky xo
p.s. Someone actually named their daughter Shithead. And they do pronounce it shi-th-eed. And you thought I hated children? I would never do that.