Ack Moving

Nov 19, 2006 01:08

OK so Friday the PD Day was the bestest time ever because I got my G1 and everything and it was so awesome!!

I'm pretty sure that everything that could go wrong, did. Here was my day:
-Woke up happy. Excited about G1ness.
-Phoned my mom at school, got her out of a meeting, got her to fax a paper to the bank saying I was allowed into the safety deposit box
-Bussed to the bank. Encountered a really weird, old woman who started working at !ndigo recently. She saw me talking to one of the tellers, and proceded to ask me if I was going out with him. (What the crap? Oooooh I talked to him we must secretly be having wild sex...not. What the hell??!?!)
-Finally got into the safety deposit box. Birth certificate not there. (!!!!!!!!)
-Called mom on cell. Nearly cried.
-Waited for bus to come to take me to Merry's. Cue freak-wind and rain. 
-Got to Merry's. Studied driver's handbook for an hour.
-Bussed to Merivale, where we missed our 2nd bus by 5 seconds.
-Bussed to Walkley DriveTest center
-Was (obviously) rejected because photo health card, SIN card, and student ID not enough identification to prove I'm who I freaking say I am
-Waited for Merry to get her G1
-Found out Merry was screwed too because her method of payment was not acceptable (her dad was going to pay credit card over the phone, even though she told him it wouldn't be acceptable)
-Missed the bus we could take home by about 2 seconds
-Missed a bus we could take that came right after by about 4 seconds because we were at another bus stop around a corner
-Waited. Cue dusk.
-Caught a bus to downtown
-FINALLY had something go right - caught a bus right after we got off the previous one. However it was express, so we had to pay an extra dollar. It wasn't even express. Took the same freaking route as the 95.
-Got to the bus station. Mom wasn't there to pick me up yet. Was afraid she was actually there but I couldn't find her, and that she was having a heart attack and thinking I had been maimed and murdered. 
-Mom shows up. Cue near-breakdown.
-Get home to change for work. Had no clean work clothes.
-Went to work in dirty clothes. Found out my shift had been scheduled last-minute in Kids. HOORAY!....

Worst PD day ever. My mom still hasn't found my birth certificate. If it's packed away in a box I'm going to have to cry. After this week's driver's ed I can start booking in-car lessons so I need to get my G1 damnit. Made plans with Merry to go get it Wednesday after school. It better work out.
Went shopping at La Senza today. I'm in love with their pajamas. Cutest stuff ever.
Still have to pick a book for English ISU. Mrs. MacGregor wants me to do Davita's Harp (??), but I was thinking of doing Grapes of Wrath. Because I loved East of Eden. Hopefully y'all know Steinbeck wrote them both. Classics!
Had a major packing session today. My mom, me, my aunt, my bubby, and our friend/real estate agent all milling about packing anything that didn't get away fast enough (eg. not the cats). Getting stressed out. I have to work tomorrow, study for chemistry test, do radical work for math, do math review, pick English book (which I should do during 6 hour shift actually), and I really need to get some packing done in my room. And Desperate Housewives at 9, of course. It's a sad day when I have to miss me my DH drama.
If anybody knows the name of the really upbeat song that has lyrics such as these in it, please let me know:
I wish I could rewind the time/To back when you were mine
24/7 I'm lonely
*something about sleeping on the radio...????*
Hope you had yourselves some better days off, and that somebody knows what song that is.
G1less love,
Becky xo
p.s. I remembered one good thing about Friday! The Starbucks girl (I love her! And btw this means any of them, whichever of them happens to be coming around) came around with free samples of (omgomgomg) mint brownies. Oh my goodnessssss it is...I was going to say sex on legs, but brownies don't have legs. Sex in a baking pan? Meh. It was spectacular.
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