Oct 16, 2006 20:50
Well is me day of birth it went well.....everyone was very nice about it. Ummmm thats all for that year...here comes a nother on
ahem...in other news im immensly frustrated so the rest of this entry will be quite ...angry i guess you could say, it does not reflect on the dya...just retrospect...monkies
MOTHER FUCKING HELL i am god damn sick of all this fucking shit ass mother fucking whining ahhhhh and on top of that i do it myself and i cant takt hat antymore either im just sick of all the ass what the fuck d they want from me WHAT THE FUCK...no one is fucking hapy withwhati do esecially me ut i digress i am just being an over zealous ass hat. iu think the most important thing to get off of my head right now is that i am just really sick of this living bullshit.. making money to live. doing things socially top live livnig in an ass little house in a n ass little town trying to fit in the best as i can but i am not a people person i am uncomfortable around everyone but people expect me to be just god ddamn dandy with it all i just want to dip my hand in jhoney and then glass and thego an dfist someone...ha ha fisting funny...there is cute asian over there i wonder what he''s drinking... probably an ass h at just like the rest i look like shit t oday ..iu always fucking do AHHHHH Hfrustration is bad i hte money an dpeople and i like monkeies and pootatos maybe i should become a hermit lol
Hope everyone is candy
love love