So... We recently came back from Islands of Adventure. I went with my family and my cousins from Nicaragua! :) It was LOTS of fun... but oh so tiring. We were 8 in total and we went in the van, which only fit 7. Luckily they're all thin so we were good, uncomfortable but we made it! lol now I'm so sore...
And it was COOOOLD! bbbrrrr... It's cold here too!
So this is us on the way up to Orlando...
In the morning going to eat breakfast
We're almost in IoA
"The adventure begins here..."
Cool Car
Dr. Seuss Landing!!
We were waiting for the Cat and the Hat and Sam I Am, so the guy gave us hula hoops to entertain ourselves... it turns out I forgot how to hula hoop!
In front of Poseidon's Fury!
And I love the building, so I had to take a picture of it :P
Agh! A dinosaur!!! Haha, we don't look scared at all... ok maybe a little :)
OMG... after Popeyes ride... I forget what it's called! BUT we're SOAKED! lolol... AND it was FREEZING!!! bbrrrrr
My crazy sister... :P
My cousin and I went on the Dr. Doom's Fear Fall... He collected our fear to kill the Fantastic 4! Why did I participate in this?! I dunno, but it was cool! :P
AND... The Incredible Hulk! "AAAARRRRGGGHHHH... Leave Hulk Alone!... Hulk No Want Hurt You!" (Why, do they make him talk like a caveman?! I don't get it...)
So, even though it was busy, we got to ride everything! AND! omg, we only waited like 10 minutes to go on the Dueling Dragons! I <3 it! lol We rode The Hulk twice, Spiderman was amazing as always, Jurasic Park was entertaining especially since my cousin bought the picture... SO FUNNY! :D
My cousins enjoyed it since it was their first time going...
My other cousin and his g/f went to Magic Kingdom (lol that's why they're not in the pics he he)
SOOOO Much fun!
ps- I'm really pooped out, so if it doesn't make sense... sorry! :P