Updating on my soon to be little sister!

Feb 15, 2005 10:47

Here's her ID picture. the one we saw before my mom met her

And heres the one from today:

so here's the deal with everything.

This morning, my mom and step dad and little brother got in a van to go see my little sister (well, soon to be) and sat in the van for 3 hours.

When they got there, they brought Katya into the room to see my mom, and right from the start she called her "momma."

But they took her out of the room right away.
The told my parents that she had been exposed to TB (tuberculosis) but didnt have it. But they (the adoption people) felt so strongly that it might have affected my parents decision to adopt her, thats why they took her out of the room. They said if my parents didnt want to adopt her anymore, to tell them then and so they wouldnt go back to the adoption home tomorrow if they didnt want her anymore. I guess they didnt understand that TB isnt a big deal in the United States. Jeff (my step dad) assured them that it didnt make a difference...they kept saying that she was healthy but they had to tell us.

They said her mother left her home alone for days at a time without food :( It's why she got a positive test for TB.. she was weak..

My moms says she kept saying "Momma.. Momma al;kjastialk sjdfpiuasltj (ya, know...russian stuff).

My mom brought her this little bead kit to make bracelets and a stuffed kitty (in the picture above) and she loved them :).

So thats all the news i have so far on her. Ill keep updating because my moms going to see her i think two more times till she comes home.
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