Fun Memage

Nov 23, 2008 22:51

Gakked from gypsylady:

01. What's the last DVD you watched?
Parts of "Kung Fu Panda." Last thing I watched all the way through was "The Tinkerbell Movie."

02. What are you wearing at the moment?
A grey bag that I like to call a nightgown.

03. Who is your favorite writer?
Er, um...jeez. I can't say I really have one. I'm such a literature whore that I love so much of it I can't say. I'm damn fond of Suzannah Clarke, though...

04. What is your favorite scent?
Many moons ago there was a gal who sold scents here at the Larkspur RenFaire. She had a mix called "Gypsy Gold" that I loved. It was amber and sandalwood and rose and something else I've never been able to identify.

05. What's that one movie you can watch over and over again and never get tired of?
The closest I come is "The Princess Bride."

06. What do you drink the most?

07. Is there a useless thing that you cannot brace yourself to throw out?
That is such a loaded question... All the poetry I wrote as an angsty teen.

08. What is your occupation? What do you do there?
I am a student of Music Education at Metropolitan State College of Denver. I learn that being wicked smart does not make things that take physical talent any easier.

09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A ballet dancer, a singer, and a teacher. I think I missed out on the first one...

10. What are your favorite song(s) of the moment?
"When October Goes" written by the incomparable Barry Manilow. The interpretation I love is by Nancy LaMott.

11. Which characters are overrated?
Characters? How can a character be over-rated? Actors can be over-rated (people thinking they are better than they are) but I don't get how a character can be over-rated.

12. What 3 people would you invite to dinner?
Ann, Paul, and Chuck.

13. What is your current desktop?
Er, um... sadly I have to look... Hang on...               
Ah, right! A picture of the kids that was taken about 8 years ago.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Well the person I gakked this from is wonderful and giving. And wicked funny to boot!

15. What are you afraid of?
That I will never get freaking ear training down.

16. Where would you love to go in your next holidays?
Ireland or Italy.

17. What are you into right now?
Literature. I plan to spend my winter break reading what we didn't get assigned for class out of the American Literature anthology we used.

18. What did you do today?
Cleaned house, went to Target, avoided vomiting...

19. What do you want?

20. What should you be doing right now?
Getting to sleep.

21. What's the meaning behind your LJ username/name/nicknames you go by?
I love Pirates and Fairies. Go figure.
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