Mar 21, 2009 10:01
I did something incredibly stupid and have cried last night just feeling so angry with myself and out of fear people might misunderstand me.
I forwarded a very stupid and extreme speech i actually didn't read well before forwarding.
I agree with just a tiny portion of it and wanted to explain where i am coming from so people know i am no racist because heck no i am not!!!
Ofcourse i cannot speak for everyone, but here in Holland they tend to ignore the laws of the land frequently and wish things to be adjusted for them.
Them being very traditional islamic people and in many cases it just goes too far.
By no means I'm saying all islamic people are like that, god no but it just get's to people now that more and more they wish rules to be bent for them and their beliefs.
That's where the "Hey you live here, so live by our rules" comes in.
It depends what it is, but I'll give an excample.
A policeman or woman has to wear a uniform, and that's law and everyone has to keep to it.
An islamic woman felt she was discriminated that she weren't allowed to leave her hat behind and wear a scarf instead.
That's insane, that's no's simply the rules everyone has to live by.
There are many cases like that, such as slaughtering a goat on your balcony and have the blood drip on your neighbours balcony's..sweet :-O
We can't do why do they think they can?
There are special liscences for islamic butcherers to slaughter for the feast after the fasting, we do think of them but frequently they ARE doing home slaughtering.
It's these kind of things that made me say..enough!
I have been called a whore for having bare legs when living in Rotterdam in a primarily islamic neighbourhood, they pointed at me and cursed me in their own language throwing me dirty looks..for having 3/4 pants and mere bare bottom legs.
It wasn't pretty and i felt threathened..that's what makes me so mad..
And that's what makes a lot of people mad, we feel threathened :-(
Maybe it's stupid to, but you have to live with it to understand.
This is why i agreed with just one part of it, people who live here have to adjust to our ways just so far as to except we live differently and we have a right to live this way in our country and if you want to live here there are certain rules you need to hold on to.
That's it, that's as far as it goes.