type with your .. Created by
---brandnewl0ve and taken 63 times on
bzoink!type in your screen name [ aim ; journal ; msn ; etc ]nose --»girlygurl4104elbow --»gbirl,ygburl404tounge --»girlygurl404chin --»gvbirl,ytgvbuyrfk,1414 hahaha!!eyes closed and one finger --»gielyguel404back of my hand --»lame... cant do itpalm --»girlygurtl,404mouse --»giourtl;uyghuitrl;404wrist --»lame cant do itforehead --»forehead? be seriousbig toe --»gurolygurl404knuckles --»girlygurl404normal --»girlygurl404what did you think of this quiz? ;) --»haha kinda fun... mostly lame though
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