Title: Bloody Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Andy/Ianto (And yes in that order)
Summary: Jack and Ianto invite PC Andy Davidson into their bed. And PC Andy passes the entrance exam with flying colors! Shameless PWP.
Disclaimer: Actually, RTD can eat his effing heart out. The poor sod only wishes he could’ve come up with an excuse to put this in his show! No, I do not own Jack, Ianto or Andy. But I own the smut!
A/N: Many, many, lovely thanks to the lovely
ericadawn16 for walking me through this and encouraging me. (She really ought to be a co-author) I don't know who had more fun writing this, her or my self? Anyways, be sure to thank her and stop by to see her wonderful fic on her journal.
Oh. And comments are love!!!!!
part 2part 3Jack considered Ianto’s appraising look as they stood near the decorative towers on the plass. The lift hid them from view, and they watched together, the young officer pace near the rail. He would look out to sea and then every so often cast a glance at where he knew they would be waiting. If only he could see them.
Ianto was pressed into Jack’s chest, coat wrapped around him. They exchanged no words, only watched with predatory interest. Andy rubbed his hands to build friction as he waited. Breath moved in soft, white curls. He had long since shed the bright yellow jacket and other parts of his uniform, and now only wore civilian clothes.
Nothing to suggest he was PC Andy.
Jack moved first stepping away from Ianto as he strode across the stone. His coat fluttered in his wake, as he moved smoothly against the iron rails.
“Jack!” Andy gasped, almost jumping from his skin. He looked the immortal in the eyes, and found heat and raw power bearing into him. It ignited passion into his flesh and heated his blood. His cheeks flushed in color and he had to look away unable to meet those smoldering eyes. Jack’s chuckle was soft, faint, a whisper of breath as he leaned in. “Where did you come from…?” Andy peered up from under long, delicate eyelashes.
Jack placed his finger on his smooth lips to silence him. “Torchwood,” he said only in half answer. Andy nodded slowly.
He did not tell him, however that he and Ianto had been watching him. On a nightly basis it seemed, the young man would walk to this spot and stand as he drank a cup of tea. At first Gwen had wanted to go up to shoo him away, but then that would only encourage him. Jack had decided it would be best to ignore the pretty blonde boy with the wide blue eyes. It wasn’t long after that both Jack and Ianto both declared to the other that they fancied him.
Some nights they’d start off watching the CCTV feed. Observe how he would stand with his hands between his legs to keep them warm. Jack would point out his fine silhouette, and Ianto would point out to Jack he only wanted to ‘corrupt the innocent’. Jack was obliged to agree.
Nevertheless, the weeks followed through, and Jack’s passing interest became outright hunger. Even Ianto became curious as they made love. What would it be like to bring that innocent boy between their bed sheets?
Tonight, they had made their decision.
Tonight, Captain Jack Harkness, was leaning over, stroking back Andy’s short, pretty blonde hair. He brought his mouth beside his ear and began to whisper the filthiest promises anyone had ever revealed. Warm, hot breath ghosted across his neck, all the while the Captain kept his body companionably apart.
“Where’s Ianto?”
“Oh…he’s…” Jack looked off to the bay. “Around,”
Ianto was still standing on the concrete square not quiet ready to reveal his presence. Jack needed to work his persuasive magic first before he was ready. Still it made for a provocative sight, seeing Jack leaning in, inch by sultry inch, and young inexperienced Andy slowly but surely, relaxed into the strong Captain’s embrace. Even now, Ianto could only just imagine the sort of lines he was using.
Most likely the ones he had used on Ianto himself. Jack, while adventurous and exotic was a creature of habit, and his tried and true methods rarely diverged. After all, if it wasn’t broke, why fix it?
Ianto crossed his arms, watching the Captain pull Andy against his chest, lips moved down in soft caresses. The boy’s eyes fluttered shut, and he purred, luxuriating in the sensations of Captain Jack Harkness. When thin arms came to wrap around the Captain’s neck for balance, Ianto saw his sign.
“Sir, it’s quite cold,” Ianto approached them, causing young Andy to shock back to sobriety in Jack’s arms. Jack laughed loudly, clasping the thin waist to his body.
“Oh, so it is Ianto Jones,” He agreed.
“I suggest we all return to mine for coffee, before you each catch your death,” He said in his dry tone as he could manage. Watching Jack press that pup into his body while giving him that look, it had his mind doing all sorts of crazy things to his body.
Jack laughed, he all but carried PC Andy Davidson as he followed Ianto Jones.