May 03, 2004 14:29
ok i really need a job. i have to have money this summer, but no one is hiring. hopefully ill have better luck tomorrow. as far as my weekend goes it was ok. fri night i got drunk and went to the venue for a while with anna. me, her, and liz almost got into a fight(i actually started something with this girl..which is not like me because im usually a pussy)anyway saturday i didnt do anything special. i was gonna go to the bar and ended up staying at dana's apt instead.(that was extremely easy,tho i didnt expect it to be hard)drank some was good.:) sunday i ate mexican food with kara and amber and then went to emily's work. i went to courtyard last night and got home around 330 then i had to wake up at 8 to go home for my Eng 102 more finals til thurday...YAY. ok nap time.