Mar 01, 2005 14:41
quote for the month
"chris tested big mike approved"
hahah if you understand that its really funny. well lets see, i saw parsons and linz this weekend that was cool, my little bro came up here too! which was awesome, hes a neat kid, im pretty sure he was bored most the time though...sorry andy. so i think im starting to get better from my almost getting sick period. haha, lets see, the snowday rocked! it was so cool im so happy its a ton of snow, walking to class may suck but its so pretty. ide have pictured but my memory card is in my car!!!! AAAAHH but i did take video! so you should just come by and watch it if you can its the best. well lets see spring break is friday, and there is snow outside today which is tuesday, hmmm anyone else think thats seriusly messed up? well spring break schedual
friday: sleep skip my one class and then hopefully see heather and chill with people and come home monday, then ship off my computer that same day as well,
tuesday:nothing, sit on my lazy ass and maybe ill buy world of warcraft
wends: im thinking atlanta
thurs: come back
and the rest is still open, maybe wilmington maybe something else, I DONT KNOW AND ITS GREAT