Player Information
Name: Elle
Age: 23
AIM SN: annontaka (pm on livejournal is so much better though!)
email: tyrannical.alien at gmail
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Certainly!
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? That was ages ago, I don't remember!
Character Information
Canon Source: Space Pirate Captain Harlock: Endless Odyssey
Canon Format: 13-episode anime
Character's Name: Kei Yuki
Character's Age: approx 22-24 (it's not canonically stated)
What form will your character's NV take? Same as last time! Basically like an iPad with touchscreen capabilities, holographic display enabling text, audio/video, as well as holo feeds. Minimal scientific uses enable it to sample pH levels, heat readings (if close enough), and temperature. It also has compass, weather, and calendar widgets, because why not.
Character's Canon Abilities: Just your average human with anorexic proportions! (Unless
the most common superpower is applicable)
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? She'll regain her ability to navigate effortlessly to any place she's ever physically been to by memory. She can't do the same if she's trying to find a new location.
Weapons: Her dragoon - a pistol-like laser gun.
Character History:
As noted the last time she was apped in, Kei's history is a bit of a mishmash between two continuities that conflict in ways because Leiji Matsumoto doesn't give a rat's ass about continuity! I'll be molding Kei's origins from the original 1978 series to tie into her current timeline (she's always basically the same character in action/personality regardless, but her backstory has two different tellings).
Regardless of continuity, it's always relevant to Kei in either telling that her place in the crew of the Arcadia is solely because Harlock rescued her from a fate of long years in prison for rebelliousness against the government. In the case of the '78 series, this was a result of a long and sad chapter in her young life.
Kei lived on Earth as a single child to two very loving parents. Her father was a scientist who was working on developing technology to assist humans in space, aspiring to create self-sustaining colonies that could allow mankind to live their lives out among the stars and off of Earth. He was joined in his work by a young man named Kazuma Katagiri - a man that 16-year old Kei had fallen in love with and was practically (if not actually; I'll have to rewatch) betrothed to. A terrible accident (later revealed to not be an accident at all - Kazuma is a giant douche) kills her father, and her mother shortly follows after by taking a page out of Padme's book and dying out of sheer loneliness. Kazama left, too, so Kei was all alone, heading to space for new opportunities.
Some asshole cop badmouthed her father and Kei got a little violent and she was arrested and was in the process of being shipped away to a life in prison when Harlock and his crew attacked the transport she was on. She was offered passage on the Arcadia (his ship) and has been on board ever since.
Since there's no established ages, it's uncertain how long she's been a part of the crew, but it's been enough for her to grow very familiar with her role as navigator and general press-this-button girl by the time the original show kicks in. She is mainly a support role, given her own spotlight episode to show off her backstory, but subsiding back into support mode as the plot goes on. She becomes a kind of babysitter/lookout for Daiba once he joins, probably the one that shows him the ropes more than anyone else on the ship (since they're usually all pretty drunk), and is always on deck when shit is going down, calling out stats and numbers for her Captain. As the show progresses, she learns the truth behind her boyfriend in relation to her father's death and ends up killing him.
She leaves the Arcadia at the end of the show to build an observatory on earth with Dabia. But seeing as Endless Odyssey reintroduces Daiba, we're scratching Daiba's presence for the sake of constructing a continuity that...makes linear sense and using Endless Odyssey Daiba as our canon Daiba. Daiba. Daibadaiba. Sorry.
Right at the start of Endless Odyssey, we find Kei older, rather jaded, and, naked as her melancholic monologue ensues. She is the captain of her own smaller ship and crew, the Flourite (colored pink because GIRLS LIKE PINK), and still doing the old space pirate thing, despite the fact that outlaws have had it rough in the years since the Arcadia disbanded. A dirty government trick lands her captive on Panopticon Satellite, slated to die with the rest of her old crew. They are all rescued when Harlock very literally crashes into the satellite and spirits them away!
Kei takes up her old job as the navigator and general button-pusher on deck nearly at all times, yet again assuming that (scrubbed for continuity's sake right now) role of keeping Daiba in line, though this instance is from the perspective of a more mature woman than peer-to-peer help. She goes so far as to ask Daiba to accompany her on a "date" as the ship lands on a far-off planet, where they come across the bad guys of the series lurking about starting a cult. Daiba (who blames the big bad space zombies in charge for killing his father) flips his shit, grabs Kei's gun, and shoots one in the face. It, being a zombie dude, promptly gets better and promptly shoots back, and Kei shoves Daiba out of the way and takes the bullet.
She falls into a coma, her heart having stopped for a long time between the shooting and getting to medical. Her soul is sent to a dimension where the dead go, where the Earth had been sent to by the bad guys for evil purposes. There she meets the souls of the bodies that the big bads were currently possessing, learning all sorts of relevant exposition! Meanwhile, the one of the big bads possesses her body and sends it throughout the ship trying to sabotage everything/anything. Daiba eventually puts a stop to that, and Kei wakes up in his arms. He faints shortly thereafter.
Kei returns to her secondary character duties after spilling all the details she learned in her out-of-body experience, becoming fairly irrelevant as the show reaches its climax. She is ordered off the ship so Harlock can go face the bad guys alone, and isn't seen afterward. Because the show ends all weird and cliffhangery.
Point in Canon: She'll be coming in post-show!
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history:
Kei was zapped into Siren's Port back in January and stuck around until near the end of the summer. During that time, she took it on herself to utilize the scientific instruments in her NV (and what Big Boss had stolen for her computer-wise) and investigate some of the nightly monsters, eventually changing focus to that damn lake. She and Shiroe established the neutral network, where she stored much of her data and findings that could've been subject to erasure by the companies if too telling. She was injured during the massive earthquake out that way, porting out not long afterward.
Character Personality:
Secondary though she may be, Kei Yuki is no throwaway female. Sure, she's got the sad label of Token Boobs on the crew, but that isn't her defining trait. She's an asset (not that way), proving time and time again to be irreplaceable to the Arcadia and its Captain.
She is fiercely loyal to her Captain and friends - all those she loves and cares about in some way are subject to this as well. Until you do something to break her trust like, say, murder her father or use her just to take down her Captain and friends. It's big things like that that get her off your team, but even a screwup like Daiba keeps her loyalty and kindness. Not even creepy fear-mongering zombies can sway her away from her friends, even when they have her still-beating heart in their hands.
There's a mischievous, teasing streak to Kei that shines most brightly in those she can get the best reaction out of. It's always a gentle kind of persecution, played only for a laugh and never malicious in intent. She doesn't always take it as well as she can dish it out, though; she can get a little snippy or displeased with certain jabs at her (particularly her weight). At the end of the day, though, she doesn't hold grudges to those kinds of things.
It's hard to really be on her bad side, unless you're one or more of these things:
• a relentless jerk
• a manipulating jerk
• a heartless jerk
• doing nothing but trying to get laid
You can be a small bit of any/all of those and still be tolerated, but a girl has her limits!
Rather, a woman has her limits. Kei's an adult and knows this, even though her teasing does fall into rather girlish styles. She's aware of her appearance and how it relates with men, knows that she has to be careful about that with certain types, and probably does know how to use it to her advantage. Not that she's likely to; that douchebag ex kind of ruined relationships for her, and her idolization of Harlock isn't helping matters much, either.
She doesn't correct the man who refers to Harlock as the man she loves (but then, she'd have been rising to the bait of an interrogator), and it's fairly true. He saved her, gave her a home and a family of fat, drunk, tiny men, and has never turned around and done something dickish to her. Her affections are definitely form afar; the instance she's seen attempting to express her feelings on being ordered off the ship near the final fight fall flat as she simply silences herself and leaves.
Her temper fuse is rather long, and being around drunk people all day seems to have conditioned her for patience and a general good humor. She's not very controlling or demanding, easy to converse with (given you're not one of the above bulleted), and empathetic to others. She's not as bent on the freedom motto as Harlock is, but she is very respectful of other people's desires/wishes and will let people do as they please, even if it's harmful. Not that she wouldn't say anything against that, but...well, she doesn't own anybody.
There's a melancholic aspect to her, as well - it's grown moreso through her previous experiences in Siren's Port. She's more aware of the affects that her past have had on her, especially when it comes to relationships. She hasn't had a partner since that douchey ex, can't bring herself to be that up front with feelings of love outside of friendship/camaraderie. She's lonely, looking for the place or person that will make her truly happy.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game:
As stated above, that lonely aspect of her personality is much more prominent than it was before. Being isolated without any familiar faces, in prison again basically, doesn't do well for morale, especially given how much time passed. Prison was really nothing compared to the Port.
She's become a bit more of a mother hen in a way, given the number of young people and reckless fools running around. Her advanced knowledge of tech and science put her up there as a go-to girl for help in at respect as well, and she took it in stride, balancing between leadership and follower roles.
Since she hadn't been on Earth for a long time in many years, she was just starting to really get into the rhythm of average life. Jobs and housekeeping and such - things she never really had to worry about in her space routine. Keeping a schedule in accordance to daylight was rough, but she was fairly used to it by the time she left.
Character Plans: Coping with round two of the Port! Reconnecting with old friends, meeting new ones, giving her all into finding a way to solve the mysteries of the Port while simultaneously trying to find easier ways to cope with it.
Appearance/PB: As seen in
her profile/icons! Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[here's miss yuki again, seated at her desk with her hair pulled back. she gives a cordial smile and her usual lazy salute.]
Having a good night, everyone? Staying indoors or causing trouble? [squinting, as if spying troublemakers.] Mm, I can only guess...
[putting all that aside, she props her elbows up on the desk, folding her hands and settling her chin atop them, looking thoughtful.] I remember a few people mentioning, or...showcasing, in a way...their cooking woes. Proof positive that I'm not alone in such things. But have any of you gotten the hang of it yet? Is there any hope for us domestically-challenged? [she chuckles, obviously not too concerned either way.]
I suppose it wouldn't be too terrible to spend time with someone and learn a little while I'm at it, right? What do you say?
Third Person Sample
It wasn't easy getting back into that set sleep schedule that the motion of the sun set for the world. Kei thought it should have, considering how long she had been in that city before, but even her all-too brief return to the stars was enough to shake it off for those familiar rotations she had grown accustomed to all those years in space.
Even so, it wasn't all a hassle. Sunrises were still the best way to start even the groggiest of days, city smog be damned. She was convinced she had yet to see enough of the sun to suit her, and the Port was a stepping stone to fixing that in its own, sadistic way. How many of her crewman could recall the real colors of the sky lit up without simply guessing, really?
She stretched her arms high over her head, standing in front of the body-length window that separated her from the night terrors that dissipated in the light. Her room was bathed in pale yellow, still chilled with winter but no less welcomed; she let her arms drop slowly, almost reaching out to embrace it. She could see her reflection faintly glinting, smiling back at her. It really wasn't so terrible a situation right then and there.
Good morning, she thought, though who she thought to direct it to was unclear to her. Already her mind was filling with the day's agenda and all the people therein. Good morning to all of them, then.
It was true: smile, and somehow you start to feel better just for smiling.