Yay, nonsense ramble.
Okay, so I was browsing gosh-knows-what - i think omona lounge? - and became embarrassed with myself because a picture of Kaku Kento had me in a big "ohmanthisdudeissuperhot" tizzy. I ended up watching Asuko March! because of this, and what's further, I stayed up until nine this morning just to finish watching it. But the ending was a total disappointment.
The show had an obvious enough set-up. A resilient high-school-aged girl (as per usual) gets thrust into a situation where she is uncomfortably surrounded by males and must make due (not so much as per usual here, but it obviously is going to turn formulaic fast). The two male leads are contrasted with one being the head-in-the-clouds, totally-is-actually-Hanazawa-Rui-dudes, default love interest type; while the other is more rough-and-tumble, has-some-issues-but-plays-it-cool, has-a-chip-on-his-shoulder-for-the-female-lead-but-obviously-is-totally-in-love-with-her type. If because I can't say anything concisely ever that doesn't make sense, one is supposed to be the desirable dreamboat and the other one is just a FRIEND.
Okay, based on that, I was all like, "Okay, cool, this Rui-ish dude is going to be totally just like Rui, which means the hot dude who I totally want to see win will do so, mm-hmm." But this is not what happened. And I was very upset. I'm not quite talking foaming-at-the-mouth-with-rage upset, but I was very, very displeased that they show ended the way it did.
It's sort of funny to think about why I was upset, because essentially I wanted the story to play into the formula that seemingly every drama that I love plays into, and instead it was like, "Noooooo-o-o, instead of doing that overplayed thing where we throw a twist at the end and give the guy you've been rooting for the girl, we're going to do that other overplayed story where the nice guy who wasn't showy and loved from a distance finishes last and the girl doesn't realize any mature feelings at all but gets the fucking prince and they have a dumb fairy tale romance in the making that won't ever go anywhere. BAM."
But the important part is this: would I watch it again? Possibly. Maybe. if only for the Kento eye-candy. Because, yes, folks, I am super shallow. True facts.
And bee-tee-dubs, or in other words by the way, the dude who plays the Rui-ish dude - character name has left my brain - totally looks like a bizarro combination of Oguri Shun and Yamapi. Which is maybe why I keep calling him Rui in my brain. It was scary.
And if that cut went untouched, you are probably the better for it. But here are some "I have a crush on this adorkable dude because I have nothing better to do"-type pictures of Kento because I have to make this post at least have some purpose.
And that's the end of that chapter.