So, I've probably taken a million pictures of the cats and some of the dog in the apartment I'm living in now, and I feel like being a loser and posting those right now. It's nerdy, lame, et cetera, but I don't feel like a real-life post because nothing much has been going on. Work work work, that's all, plus considerations of getting a personal trainer to help me get in some sort of shape, but I don't want to go on and on about that when I have to be at, shocker, work in an hour.
First, tiny cat, actually named Jet, Robin's cat, who is apparently hard to photograph, but I was able to get a couple cute shots on my cell.
Poe, Lindsey's cat, and Nugget, Andy's cat.
And this is Sparta. Puppy puppy puppy.
I have failed to actually take a picture of Corky, Andy's other cat, the partially-blind-because-at-some-point-in-Andy's-past-ate-mushrooms cat, for no other reason than that I haven't thought to. Plus, he hides out most of the day and then randomly comes into my room and head butts me until I pet him.
To summarize, I've become a crazy cat lady and it's weird.
I also took a bunch of food pictures - like I always do - and I'd like to post those eventually, as well. Specifically, the bento I made because it turned out awesome, and the photos I took to document my experiment making spinach pasta. So, well, yay, and now I have to get ready for work.