May 31, 2006 19:35
Tommarow is the big senior walk through and assembly up at my school.
Im so excited, and realizing that this is going one of our last times together.
All 15 of us... wow
W'eve been together so long it's going to be weird going to class with people I don't know.
Im so excited for college though, altough im not sure what im going to major in at Mott?
Mabey Art, or English or even History.
I was thinking about going into Nursing, but I don't think I want to do that... to much science(Im not good at science)
im just so excited... im not nervous anymore..a year of being totally stressed out... to the point of getting Acne, is over! FINALLY!
yess, now i can just work and have fun, make some money get myself some new stuff, YAY!
My favorite thing to buy is underwear..especially victoria's secrets... That's where all my money's going (Oh No!)
haha i can't belive I just put that on here... just being honest!!