Thanks for all the happy birthday comments for Otto, guys!
We had a super-busy weekend, so I'm not caught up on reading or comments (and I don't think I'll get caught up, ah well). There's a big photo post on Otto's party
Other than the party and birthday festivities, we had a nice (but short) visit with my mom. On the way to drop her off at the airport last night, I realized that the next time we will see her (in a few months), we'll have a whole new person in our family! Woah.
Now that we're past Otto's birthday, I'm going to start thinking about the grub and what needs to be done before her/his arrival. I'm planning on taking out Otto's old stuff and sorting it this week so I can see what else we need to get. I also seriously need to get cracking on finishing that quilt.
And just so you don't think I've completely abandoned taking pictures of things I see around me...
Yesterday we went for a drive in the countryside (aka just outside of city limits) and found this moldy old car graveyard by the side of the road:
Eugene has a crazily huge amount of businesses that have their windows painted for various occasions... these are two of the very best seen this holiday season:
WTF? Santa with a six-pack in camo gear. Must be seen
large to be fully appreciated.
And this is a cross between our "digging up ducks" project and xmas windows: the bizarrely proportioned, slightly sleazy Santa duck painted on the Circle K.
A cute picture of me & Sean! I don't think there's been one of these since our wedding.
Photo by
alchemyjen, taken right after Otto blew out his candles.