Today was fun I started my journey at 10 am with a very friendly cab driver who seemed most amused that I was going to a convention. The train ride was pretty cool and I even managed to negotiate the tube with all my bags without too much trouble.
Met up with
ginny4harry and we caught the bus from heathrow and headed towards teh hotel. We checked in, booked our photo slots and bought some photos to be signed.
So the opening ceremony was quite cool and G4H got some awesome pictures. The next part was the meet and greet.
I had randomly positioned myself on a corner with G4h next to me, we met three women who are old hands at the whole con thing and they sat with us and a family of three did too.
So the first person we met was Morena Baccarin and I have to say she's tiny and also very nice, she was inara in Firefly and is also in the new series of V. She's absolutely stunning. We then had Alessandra Toresani whose the new cylon model in Caprica, she was totally tiny and adorable. Jonathan Woodward who had two pints and deeley boppers which he called space nipples. He abandoned those with Kate Vernon who adored Lee bear, in fact she fondled him and touched him up and played footsie with him, so much so that I was concerned that I wouldn't get my baby back. She held him up and waved him at Jamie who looked kind of shocked.
This did mean that Jamie came to sit next to me. And then I did really well. I mean I burbled a little and was a teensey bit over excited but he was really impressed with the Lee bear and saw that he had a commander's uniform on with the pin and the tags. We talked about law and order and he was quite excited about it. I also told him that pretty much the only thing I watched on ITV was Law and order. Which is true. He said that he was trying really hard to get the production team on L&O to make it more like the US counterparts because its somewhat more soapy aparently. His eyes in person are so frakking blue and I was shaking so hard. He also talked about Hornblower and how he was 21 and still in drama school at the time.
sean Maher didn't really talk and I couldn't really hear him.
Luciana Carro and Leah Cairns were both really nice although tired. Will look forward to takling to them again.
James Callis had spent so long talking to everyone. He didn't get to us until 11:50 pm and he still had about 5 tables to see so his wrangler promised if we gave her the nod he'd spend time with us in the signing sessions tomorrow. He was envious of Lee bear and the fact he got to wear nice clothes. He also said he'd fit in them. I totally <3 him.
And then we came back to the room.
All in all AWESOME to the MAX!!!!