Jan 09, 2007 17:36
oh dear oh dear. My exam is a week tommorow and yet i just can't seem to get out of bed early enough to get a decent amount of revision done ever! Lion has started getting smelly too yeuch! he never used to be smelly! Maybe it is the last of his adolescence. hmmm. Also, he really needs a haircut and looks like a scruff! I need to take this boy in hand it seems.
Amy and Josh are back together after having been split up for over 2 years. This has raked up loads of shit, as Josh slept with prince's girlfriend while prince and his girlfriend were on a break, and she claimed that he raped her. This has all been forgotten (kind of) although theres still hostility, but now josh and amy are back together its all come up again, and there are some harsh e-mails going between amy and princes girlfriend, mos of the harshness coming from amy's side, and she has me involved now because she forwarded the messages to me so i could see what was said. I've been e-mailing prince's gf and she's really upset because apparently she never claimed Josh raped her, but that she was really pissed and can't remember what happened. I feel really sorry for her coz shes scared evryones going to hate ehr again because of amy. So much hassle i dont wanna be involved with. But poor girl. her family arent great and shes lost loads of mates :(
but anyway
sorry if that was very confusing.
I'm sure everythign will be fine anyway.
Right... and im still stuck at home, not back in manchester until sunday or something!