I am going to attempt to do that 20-days-of-vidding meme started by
jarrow even though I am simultaneously pointing and laughing at myself and saying "Oh, SELF. Really? Come now", because I barely manage to post 20 times a year, much less once a day. So don't be alarmed if I disappear again somewhere around day 3! That is standard operating procedure around these parts.
Also, I would like to point out before we begin that here I am in a hotel room in Dallas (the joys of consulting, yo), with nothing to do but fart around on the internet, and as soon as I decide to make good use of my time by actually making a blog post, I am ATTACKED BY GIANT CRICKETS. And by "attacked" I mean there were two of them crawling around my room in the corner opposite where I am. And by "giant" I mean they were medium size or maybe even smaller, but because they could conceivably have flown across the room and landed on my face, they were therefore monstrously large. And by "crickets" I mean OH SHIT BEARS.
Fifteen minutes later I am pleased to report: Housekeeping staff 2, CRICKETS OF DOOM 0. \o/
Anyway! Onto the meme!
Day 1 - A vid that made you start watching a brand new show
"Wonder of Birds" by
laurashapiro and
morgandawn. due South wasn't really on my radar at all back in ... '04? '05?, and then I saw WoB and was absolutely blown away by the motion and the e-motion (heh) and the love that came pouring out of these vidders' hearts and onto the screen, and most of all the feeling of elation, of soaring, that I get when I watch this vid. I wanted to know how these characters learned to fly. (also it did not hurt that the Mountie guy was kinda cute. *kof*) So I started asking a few friends "hey, what's this Canadian show all about? Who's the Mountie?" Which led to a weekend trip to Chicago to marathon the first season, which flipped me head over heels for dS for the next several years and directly led to me getting fired from my crappy job (no really) and also made me realize that I wanted to move to Chicago, which totally changed my life for the better in every way, so, um. THANK YOU LAURA AND MD. *kisses you both*
I also want to mention
"Woman King" by
sdwolfpup and
"Window of Opportunity" by
heresluck. Deadwood, with all its grittiness and overabundance of testosterone, wasn't a show that appealed to me at all - and then SDW created this brilliant character study of Alma, a woman in a man's world, brave and vulnerable, a pioneer and a prisoner all at once, and I really really wanted to get to know her. And without ever having seen Wonderfalls, the song choice alone for WoO tells you everything you need to know about Jaye: sarcastic and funny and down-to-earth and freakin' adorable. Also, brass-monkey/wax-lion OTP! How could I not watch this show?
p.s. I turned 31 last week. Normal day, nothing special. So far, in general, 30s are awesome. Will keep you posted.
Also posted to
Dreamwidth (
comments). Comment wherever you like.