i've gotta set my sights on a bright sunshiney day

Jul 05, 2010 18:14

I'm still keeping up with the ongoing discussion of various aspects of the VividCon policy, although I am finding that trying to read everything is (a) a GIANT TIMESUCK (holy opinions-on-the-Internet, Batman! I've gotten nothing done all week!) and (b) a recipe for frustration and pessimism when you keep refreshing the posts where people aren't being civil to each other, are making unwarranted assumptions, etc. So I'm going to make a serious effort from now on to stick to reading the more constructive, positive discussions, and not bother with the rest.
astolat's posts on drafting a new accessibility policy (part 1, part 2, and part 3) have been really helpful in that regard. And I particularly liked
thingswithwings ' post here, as it challenged some of my previous assumptions and gave me a lot to think about, particularly regarding the relationship of art/artist to audience.

I probably won't be posting a whole lot more about the current debate, or commenting much, since I don't feel the need to (and because I'm still formulating my own opinions on some stuff). But I would like to echo what
kass said: "It's awesome to see that so many people have so much passion for these conversations. It's awesome that we care so much about who we are and what we do together. Caring a lot is what makes us fans." Absolutely. :)

And now for some completely unrelated Dreamwidth/friending stuff! If we're already friends on LJ and you've noticed me friending you on DW, I've been on a bit of a spree lately, heh. I realized recently that some of the folks on my flist are now either posting exclusively on DW or only allowing comments on DW; so I decided to go through my whole LJ flist and mirror it on DW, just in case. I'm now reading my flist in both places, whereas before I was only paying attention to LJ. Some stuff to note:
  • If you're on both journaling sites, and you'd prefer I follow you on a particular one (and it's not immediately obvious from your entries which one that is), feel free to let me know!
  • All my posts are mirrored on both DW and LJ, and you can follow me either place. However, my LJ account is permanent while my DW account is free, which means I only get to use my vast treasure trove of icons on LJ. So if you care about seeing icons other than my default, I'd suggest watching my LJ instead. :)
I am also trying out this new crossposting footer thing. Testing in 3...2...1...now!

Also posted to http://pipsqueaky.dreamwidth.org/94012.html (
comments). Comment wherever you like.

clicky!, wankity wank, i have opinions sometimes, dreamwidth, flist

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