Like a good sheep, I have followed the herd (BAAAAA) and am now signed up over at
Dreamwidth. I'm
pipsqueaky there too, big surprise. :)
I won't be moving to Dreamwidth permanently, at least not anytime in the foreseeable future. Honestly, it'll be a wonder if I even remember to crosspost to there after the shine wears off of the new toy. LiveJournal, for all its flaws, has been my home for quite a while now; barring a giant fannish migration (which, despite all the talk, has yet to happen), it'll stay that way even if only out of sheer laziness. I totally support Dreamwidth, I think it's a fantastic idea and their mission statement makes me giddy and I hope they succeed beyond their wildest dreams. But. I just bought a permanent account on LJ last fall. (YES I KNOW, terrible timing. I had only vaguely heard of Dee-Dub at the time and didn't realize the launch was right on the horizon.) Soooo I kinda feel like I need to at least get my money's worth out of LJ before hopping over to something new? (Plus, you know, I've unpacked and decorated and all my furniture is right where I want it.) I will try to do the crossposting thing, simply for the benefit of those on my flist who have left LJ for good. I still need to figure out how to set up a reading list that has posts from both journal sites on it, because I don't wanna spend my time clicking back and forth.
If my friends eventually drift over to Dee-Dub, I suppose I will too. I hardly ever post that much anyway; the main reason I even have this thing is for easy access to the flist. So in the end I shall go where my people go. Just, you know, for the sake of my brand-new permanent LJ account, I hope y'all don't go anywhere anytime soon. :)
A related question for Mac users who crosspost: are there any good posting clients to use? I've been very happy with
Deepest Sender for years now, but apparently it doesn't support crossposting. Neither does
iJournal. Will I be forced to use the Dreamwidth web interface (eek)?