Apr 13, 2008 12:40

hi, I SWARE TO U I will post the BP Con Report Part 2. Any day now. I did not forget! And, hi LJ! I have other stuff I have been meaning to post about, like Doctor Who and Torchwood and BSG and some memes and a bunch of other crap, but I have this weird thing where I feel like I cannot post anything else until I finish the damn con report. But I am ignoring that right now because I have a Very Important Thing to say.

(Apologies to those of you for whom this is old news. You may scroll on if you wish!)

ATTENTION WORLD: i has a jarrow.

he is um, very pretty and stuff. and smart and funny and caring and awesome and we may possibly have spent all of Bitchin' Party flirting like crazy. So we are trying this whole boyfriend/girlfriend thingy because it could maybe be really really wonderful. And, yeah, I was trying to be all calm and levelheaded and practical the first week, and it mostly worked, except now we are officially at Stage: Smitten. And I spend all day drawing pink sparkly hearts and giggling on the phone and saying really profound things like "HI YOU'RE PRETTY" because, well, that is what you do when you has a jarrow. Because he is, you know. Pretty. And deserving of many many sparkly hearts.

Anyway! Yes. Just wanted to state that for the record. And I am going back to Seattle to see him for his birthday, YAYZ!, which is in 25 days and of course I don't have a countdown or anything, why do you ask? But I might be REALLY EXCITED about this trip. Just a little.

Hi. I shall stop embarrassing myself now and go work on con reports.

(I am not making much sense at the moment because I am about to fall into a food coma. There was brunch this morning with renenet, who was in town for a concert last night that I attended with her and it was made of win, and fan_eunice and merryish and taraljc and celli and carta were also there, and I had key lime brioche french toast that was so incredibly amazing I inhaled the whole thing and now have no memory of actually eating it. But fangirls are awesome and food is good and I shall go nap now. Right after I finish drawing more pink sparkly hearts.)

peeps: john, peeps: fannish

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