you wish you could fly / just stayin' where you are

Apr 03, 2008 23:11

Finally, something approximating a Bitchin' Party con report! This isn't gonna be all that detailed, because quite frankly I have the attention of a fruit fly on LSD, and I get bored after writing about the same thing for so long. With that said, aren't you excited to read the rest of this post?

My plane was delayed by about two hours due to RANDOM SNOW, hello Midwest, nice to meet you. I didn't mind since taraljc had loaned me a Torchwood book, so I kept myself busy by reading about pretty Welsh people. Finally landed in Seattle at around 9 pm, and walked outside baggage claim just as jarrow and greensilver were pulling up in the car. Perfect timing! I hugged the stuffings out of both of them and then we drove to the grocery store to get supplies for the weekend. My shopping cart contained a box of Oh's cereal, dried pineapple, Reese's snacks, and a bottle of wine. I am HEALTHY, yo.  For some reason I remember laughing a lot at the grocery store; it must have been because we were all a bit punchy from tiredness, heh. We went from there to John's house, where I met girlcakes for the first time (omg, y'all, Courtney is HILARIOUS and fun and witty and awesome) as well as John's cats and two of his roommates, all of which were also awesome. He showed greensilver around the place, since she is moving in soon! yay! and we talked a bit and drank a bit and eventually wandered off to bed.

jarrow, girlcakes, greensilver and I spent the morning driving around downtown Seattle, since I had never been there before and greensilver will be moving there soon. It's a very lovely city! I didn't expect it to be so hilly; even though I grew up in the Appalachians, in the past few years I've grown accustomed to the flat Midwest, and since Chicago is my default basis for "large city" I subconsciously expect every urban centre I see to be completely level. But Seattle is nice despite the hills. :) We also drove around some of John's favorite places (read: the gayborhood) and then ate at Dick's. Best cheeseburger/french fries/vanilla shake EVAR. We still had a couple hours to kill before heading over to the hotel, so we went back to John's. At some point I had casually mentioned that I had never seen Arrested Development, and that was it - we had our afternoon plans! We all lounged around on John's bed and watched the pilot episode, followed by about 4 episodes of Season 2. NEW FANDOM! AD has been one my list of shows to watch for a long time now, but it's obviously been bumped up to the top. I have been successfully pimped!! and must buy the DVDs immediately. "Make love in your own hand!" - Still. Funny. Every. Time.

We headed over to the hotel around 3, and saw renenet just as we were driving through the parking lot! So she joined our little posse as we entered the hotel. It looked barren; at first we thought no one else was there. But then we bumped into torra and kerithwyn, neither of whom I had known before the con but who both turned out to be sweet as pie! I hung out with them downstairs for a bit while everyone else dropped off their stuff in the rooms, and then more fangirls arrived, and finally a truck pulled up outside the hotel and even more fangirls entered with speakers and A/V equipment. I went into the panel room to see if I could help set up, and lo and behold there was brynnmck, OMG. If I hadn't been able to tell it was her by her HCL t-shirt, I would have recognized the hair from this picture. We'd never actually met in person but had been fangirling each other for a while from afar. She is lovely and intelligent and charming and HOT and every bit as fantastic as John and sdwolfpup had been telling me, and we hugged like old friends. It was totally awesome. And, speaking of SDW, I turned around from molesting politely introducing myself to Brynn, and SDW walked into the room with a bunch of cases in her arms and went right past me, HA. One of the main reasons I came to BP was to see her, cause it felt like forever (okay, since VividCon) since we'd hung out in person and I just adore her to teeny tiny bits. So I snuck up behind her and said "um, hi!" and she turned around and gave me the best hug ever, and seriously, by this point the con was MADE. I could have skipped all the actual weekend content and gone home right then and there and felt that the trip was worthwhile. (Hey, I enjoy being around my peoples, okay?)

I tried in my weak little girly way to help set up speakers and stuff, and I don't remember what happened after that but eventually I ended up in the hotel restaurant with SDW, John, Greensilver, Courtney, Brynn, and troyswann: yet another person who was barely even on my radar before the con, but damn if she isn't AWESOME as HELL. We all shared a bunch of appetizers and SDW really enjoyed the potato skins, heh. :) Then we headed into the panel room where Ark of Truth had just finished playing, and sat down to watch the pilot episode of Dante's Cove. Which I will OMG SQUEE about in a second, but first I have to tell you that I brought my Mountie doll (little teeny Fraser!) with me, and mrs_laugh_track had brought a Mountie Barbie, and we ended up sitting in the same row for the DC showing, and we amused ourselves before the episode started by recreating every possible porn pose with the poor wee het Mounties. I believe there was even some non-con involved, and then teeny Fraser took out his gun and shot himself over the guilt, but not before Barbie pegged him good. We are fangirls, this is what we do. Now that I think about it, it was a perfect preview for Dante's Cove. Damn, I thought I had a great time during my first viewing of the pilot ep at VVC, with about a dozen fans. This time we had, what, 30-40 people in the room? And it was FANTASTIC. Everyone cackled at "Hi, Mom!" and shrieked at the magically changing clothes and made fun of the godawful lesbian sex and yelled "Lick it!" at the screen and CHEERED when the "bitchin' parties" line was said. It was seriously good times.

(I had to go peek at SDW's and Brynn's con reports to remember what happened next, hee!) I ended up going back to Brynn/Greensilver/Sal's room with them, John, Courtney, SDW, and  danceswithwords, and we watched some eps of Twitch City, YAY. I believe we got through the pilot episode, "I'm Fat and I'm Proud", and "Shinto Death Cults" before everyone fell into a sleep-coma. John and Courtney and I said goodnight, drove home, and fell blissfully into bed.

And wow, I am really tired of typing, so tomorrow you will get a report of the actual con! Trufax!

new fandom yay!, cons: bitchin' party

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