I have been meaning to pimp these things for at least a week, and somehow managed to forget and procrastinate and forget some more and now I am finally doing it at the very last minute. Reliably unreliable, that's me.
- Tomorrow is MORE JOY Day! If you're even slightly considering participating, I encourage you to do so. More joy in the world, y'all. How awesome is that? And it doesn't have to be anything grand or time-consuming or expensive or flashy. As Angel once said, "The smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world."
- Registration is still open for bitchinparty! Go sign up! I wanna see every single one of you there! (And if you've already registered, remember to send in your payment!) I am SO EXCITED, you guys. Is it March yet?
- And finally, via sol_se, a two-and-a-half minute teaser clip from the Season 2 premiere of Torchwood. In which there is John Barrowman, and James Marsters, and JohnBarrowmanandJamesMarsters. And also the rest of the team being awesome. Oh and did I mention BarrowmanandMarsters? I am declaring this the best two and a half minutes of TV ever. Bring on Season 2!
Am really really looking forward to a day of More Joy tomorrow, as today was sadly devoid of joy. I am grumpy and pissed off and prone to getting upset over the tiniest things, and I KNOW that my damn uterus is at fault (hi, I own a calendar!), but you know, that doesn't make the foul mood go away. Example: today at work we had pizza delivered at lunch for our entire team, and there were toppings on the pizza that I didn't like (broccoli and jalapenos and sausage), and somehow that led to me convincing myself that the whole team hated me and wanted me to starve to death, and I hid behind my computer and barely managed to keep from bursting into tears in public. Because there were jalapenos on the pizza. Yeah, it's been that kind of day. *sigh*