Finally switched over to S2 and tried that new layout everyone else seems to be using. Yes, I'm a sheep. Baaaaaa. Except I did it on my work computer (bad Pips! bad!) where the monitor is a regular ol' desk monitor, and now I'm looking at it on my laptop and the colors are all wrong. You can't even see the light blue background for each entry. Oh well.
Speaking of new appearances, how freakin' awesome was Queer Eye last night?? The straght guy they made over is my favorite one so far. He was such a gentleman, and sooo sweet to his girlfriend. And he cried!! The Fab 5 made him cry!! Oh it was precious. Favorite line of the night was Carson talking about Kyan: "He's the cute one." And what was up with Carson's obsession with Cary Grant?
Boy Meets Boy was ..... okay. The leading man, James, is really nice and cute. I just wish they didn't put so much emphasis on the fact that Some Are STRAAAAAAIGHT!! It's annoying. And manipulative. The show would be much better without that element. And I don't know what to think of Andra. Initally she seemed nice, but she's starting to remind me of Lisa, the bitch hooker girlfriend from Queer Eye.
Okay, enough about gay shows. Onto .... um, okay, more gay shows.
See, here's the thing. Last year there were exactly three TV shows that I enjoyed: Buffy, Angel, and Alias. I stopped watching Alias halfway through the season and now I don't know what the hell's going on. Buffy is over. And Angel ... well, let's just say I'm being very very cautious about next year. The fact that Spike is joining the show makes me slightly nervous; the fact that Joss will be giving the show his undivided attention makes me EXTREMELY nervous.
So basically, I need a new fandom. (Other than Queer Eye.) I've heard good things about both Farscape and Queer As Folk from
you guys, and can't decide which one to start with. So, you tell me! (And yes, this is just an excuse to try out the poll option.)
Poll I've never seen even a single episode of QAF, so I'd be going in blind. I've caught about 3 or 4 eps of Farscape on the Sci-Fi channel, and have absolutely no idea what's going on. They keep using words like Scarran and Peacekeeper and something that sounds like suh-BAY-shun, and I'm all "Huh? Wha?" But I am already infatuated with Monochrome Girl. (I think her name is Chiana, right?) She kicks ass.