renenet and
sweetestdrain will never be speaking to me again.
Why? Because last night, in a fit of sadism loving generosity, I made them watch this:
The Dorkiest Thing Paul Gross Has Ever Done. (.mp4, 100MB)
(edit, 1/31/06: added a new link, cause people ACTUALLY DOWNLOADED THIS. Suckers.)
Keep in mind, I'm awarding this thing the King Dork Trophy after having seen both the satirical "lost episode" of dS AND several music videos that PG did with David Keeley where he flaunts his Rock Star Arms™. So you know if you dare to click on that link, you'll need to scrub your brain with bleach. Or commit seppuku in horrified despair. There are Elvis songs, and spontaneous spasms. And, um, that's really all I can divulge at this point.
Here's what the critics are saying!
"The most glorious exploration of Canadian superstardom and inanity." ~
sweetestdrain"That's just not right. That's just...not right." ~
renenet"Oh, Paul. What the fuck." ~
pipsqueaky"I want to put out my EYES." ~
renenet"My mother watched it with me and is terrified. We clung to each other and squeaked in FEAR." ~
sweetestdrain"*weeps for humanity*" ~
renenet"The horror! The horror!" ~
pipsqueaky "I need someone to explain to me how this could happen in the world. *Who* thought this was a good idea? And why weren't they STOPPED? And did people pay money to sit in that audience? Or were they rounded-up in a form of aesthetic genocide?" ~
renenet "I am sneakily suspicious that if I say "oh god" one more time, Paul Gross will answer." ~
sweetestdrain If you still have even a shred of respect left for this man, TURN BACK NOW. (
sisabet, this means YOU.) Why am I sharing this with the world? Because I am Evil I'm dragging the rest of you to hell with me I kick puppies mocking Canadian superstars is fun. And because, despite what you will find at the above link, I still love The Paul Gross.
But seriously, Canada. Never ever again, understand? kthx.