A chat transcript from December 6:
(edited to include just the relevant bits)
renenet: omg...I'm reading
a fic in which RayK calls Fraser to come help him because he has a rubber ducky stuck in his ass
* renenet facepalms
pipsqueaky: ...
pipsqueaky: ...
pipsqueaky: .
pipsqueaky: I never ever ever want to read that rubber ducky fic.
pipsqueaky: And I'm going to quote Liz here, and say "If you had a time machine..."
renenet: oh, the rubber ducky fic is good
renenet: well, it wasn't ever bad, just highly questionable
renenet: but then it got good
pipsqueaky: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear-- er, read that
pipsqueaky: because "good rubber ducky fic" is outside my realm of comprehension
Flash-forward to December 29:
pipsqueaky: OH
pipsqueaky: RENENET
renenet: hmm?
pipsqueaky: do you remember that time when you told me you were reading a story about RayK with a rubber ducky up his ass?
renenet: it's a good story man
pipsqueaky: and you said it was a good story
pipsqueaky: and I said "..."
renenet: I made Liz read it
renenet: she liked it
pipsqueaky: well, I have now read it
pipsqueaky: and you were right
renenet: you were a pussy...oh, good!
pipsqueaky: it IS good.
sisabet: rubber duck ass story? It was really good
pipsqueaky: I would never have believed you
renenet: you should *always* believe me
pipsqueaky: because, a GOOD rubber-ducky-up-the-ass story? yeah, right
* renenet looks honest
pipsqueaky: and I read that right before I read the
Care Bear hardcore BDSM ficpipsqueaky: so now rubber duckies up the ass are tame by comparison
pipsqueaky: "Fraser." And now Ray was staring at him with a wild light in his eye. "Get this stupid duck out of my ass and fuck me."
* pipsqueaky dies
Lesson to be learned, kiddies: renenet is always right Never underestimate the power of The Good Crack.
*is totally not using this anecdote as an excuse to post a link to
Clem/Snyder commentfic*