random Wednesday stuff

Feb 25, 2004 16:40

I am such an idiot sometimes.

I have credit card bills and electric bills and phone bills that have been past-due for a while now, and I haven't paid them yet. Not because I don't have the money; I do. Because I'm a lazy slob and can't be bothered to take approximately 10 minutes out of my day to send my payments online. And I haven't looked at the bills yet, and I'm afraid that with the interest and late fees and such that they'll be huge, and I just don't want to deal with it. I would rather think happy thoughts, and continue to ignore my credit getting worse and worse. Yes, I am insane. What's your point?

So apparently people liked the music site idea, but they liked the MP3 idea even more. Heh. I figured as much. :) The music site will probably take me several months to set up, so don't expect anything relatively soon. I might start offering MP3s on my LJ within the next couple of weeks, though. What I will probably do is go season-by-season on a weekly basis. In other words, I'll put a link on my LJ to a webpage with all the Buffy Season 1 songs, and leave it up for a week, and then take those down and put up Season 2, etc. This is just so my bandwidth doesn't go through the roof with everybody downloading everything at once. After seven weeks I'll go back to Season 1 again, and keep cycling through until/unless I come up with a better plan.

Speaking of the music site: Anyone who's seen my songvid site knows that when it comes to graphics and pretty layouts, I suck ass. My personal vid page is sparse and graphic-free on purpose, but the music site should probably be nice and colorful and all that crap. Would anyone on my flist be interested in creating graphics and/or a basic layout for me? I don't have much to offer in return (other than credit on the site, of course), but um, I'll be your bestest friend forever! I'll even let you grope my boobies, if you're into that kind of thing. :)

New Angel tonight. I have stayed completely spoiler-free all season, and tonight is no exception, but ... come ON. It's so obvious what's gonna happen. All I will say is that in about four hours, I fully expect to be screaming and throwing things and cursing the name of Joss Whedon, just like I did two years ago. ::coughSeeingRedcough:: And also being happy that I haven't yet joined any of the Save Angel campaigns. So sayeth the quirky brunette physics major who tends to overidentify with TV characters.

finances, website, music, i am so smrt, tv: angel

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