Dear Festividder

Oct 17, 2013 01:01

 (OMG. I typoed "Dead Festividder" in the subject line. That .... is a ridiculously terrible omen.)

HELLO lovely vidder! I have not written a blog post in a really long time, but I would love to talk to you about vids! And fandoms! And other exciting things! (I also haven't actually vidded since 2011, so I am both excited and terrified about participating in Festivids for the very first time ever in my life. But that is neither here nor there. I am also drunk right now due to a work outing and a dude who kept ordering champagne for everyone. You should be pleased to know that I was informed by a reliable source, hello 

absolutedestiny , that Dead Dear Festividder litters letters are better when drunk. I seriously made those typos just now. So here we go!)

Let's talk about vids and music. I love all styles of vidding, and I completely trust your musical choices. Anything you decide is fine with me. That was a short and very enjoyable conversation!! Now on to fandoms!

Anne of Green Gables [Movie Series]: Dear vidder, I identify so hard with Anne Shirley. She reads lots of books and has a vivid imagination and longs for a bosom friend and is super smart and is my childhood hero. She is essentially me but with bitchin' red hair (oh shit don't call it red! it's auburn!). I love these movies a lot. Also did you know that both Dave Foley and Bruce McCullough, later of Kids in the Hall, had tiny roles in Anne of Avonlea? It's true. Basically Anne is fantastic and if you vidded any aspect of these movies I would be over the moon.

Flight of the Navigator [Movie]: I have wanted a FotN vid for years. YEEEEEAAAAARRRRRRRSSSS. Every time Festivids rolls around I'm like, I wish I had time to make a vid for it, cause then I could request a FotN vid for myself. It is very 80's - dear lord, it's so unbelievably 80's - but the plot holds up pretty well, and I am still emotionally affected by the main character's story arc, and it was one of the first sci-fi movies I remember watching and so it made a huge impression on me, and I still want to ride around in a kickass silver spaceship with a collection of tiny muppet aliens. I just think there should be a FotN vid in the world, is all. Also, Sarah Jessica Parker with an 80's haircut!

The Land Before Time [Movie]: Okay, THIS is why I am actually participating in Festivids. I had mostly given up hope on ever getting a Flight of the Navigator vid so I wasn't going to sign up, and then I was scrolling through the list of fandoms and saw this one and immediately FIRED ALL MY FRIENDS because they failed to tell me this was an option. I mean. Okay. This was TOTALLY my childhood. I may have been traumatized for life by the earthquake that separated all the baby dinos from their parents, and then when Littlefoot's mom-- LOOK I CAN'T TALK ABOUT THAT OKAY, and then Littlefoot and Cera and Spike and Ducky and Petrie bonded together and became a family and I'm not crying right now I swear, it's just my period, shut up, Littlefoot carried around his treestar, I JUST NEED TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR A MINUTE. OKAY I THINK I'M BETTER. CARTOON DINOSAURS, YAY, I'M SORRY WHAT WERE WE TALKING ABOUT. The good news is that we are done with my childhood fandoms now so I can stop being (mostly) incoherent.

Scandal [TV]: Dear vidder, this is the only fandom on my list where I'm going to be picky. For all the others you can literally throw any clips you want on the timeline and I'll be happy. However, when it comes to Scandal, you and I need to agree that Fitz is THE WORST. Literally the worst human being on the planet. He has no redeeming features at all. I hate Fitz and I hate Olivia/Fitz (though I do kind of appreciate Fitz/Mellie cause they are perfect for each other, let's be honest). Now that I have gotten my Fitz-hate out of the way: anything else you want to do with this show is great! I love Olivia, I love Cyrus, I love the gladiators holy shit do I LOVE the gladiators, I love Mellie because she's a fucking badass. This is a brilliant show and I'm excited to see what you can do with it. Just remember that Fitz is THE ULTIMATE WORST.

Secretary [Movie]: Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Spader, and BDSM. I ... yeah. I really can't add anything to that, it's a pretty fuckin' fantastic sentence by itself so I'll just point to that and leave you to your own devices. Secretary. Yup. That happened. Hello, formative experience. *kof*

Sliding Doors [Movie]: Soooooooo let's talk about John Hannah SHALL WE. He is one of my major actor crushes, and dear vidder he's not even all that pretty but in this movie he (a) is sweet as hell (b) quotes Monty Python and (c) has a Scottish accent. I watched this movie and was all THE FUCK IS THAT and someone said It's a Scottish accent and I was like ohhhhhhhhhhh. And an accent kink was born. (srsly, if you are Scottish call me, my legs are open.) ANYWAY. Normally I hate Gwyneth Paltrow but I love her in this movie. It's a really sweet and weird love story and I am fascinated by the basic question of how the future unfolds when you change one tiny thing. A butterfly flapping its wings and all that. The parallel universes depicted in the storyline are intriguing and I have no idea how to represent that in vid form, which is why I've never vidded this movie, but maybe you know how and can make me a vid! That would be swell!! Alternately, you could just put random clips of John Hannah on the timeline and I would be delighted.

Warm Bodies [Movie]: Dear vidder, I am losing my buzz so I will attempt to be as drunk-thinking as possible for these last two. This is the MOST ADORABLE MOVIE EVER. It is Romeo and Juliet with zombies! I MEAN. Think about that for a second. It charmed the pants off me, literally, when the credits rolled in the movie theater I stood up and was like where the fuck are my pants. And every character is adorable. R is adorable and Julie is adorable and her friend Nora is adorable and R's zombie friend M is adorable and poor dead Perry is adorable. And even the bonies are kind of adorable in a weird way. Make me an adorable zombie romance vid! The world desperately needs one! Maybe you can charm the pants off THE WHOLE WORLD. Wouldn't that be convenient. *wink*

Wreck-It Ralph [Movie]: Okay remember a long long time ago when I said Warm Bodies was the most adorable movie ever? I lied. I was super drunk at the time. THIS MOVIE is the MOST ADORABLE MOVIE EVER. I just, okay, I may not be able to talk coherently about Wreck-It Ralph. Because Ralph and Vanellope and adorableness and outcasts-becoming-heroes and friendship and Felix/Calhoun and HOMELESS QBERT and I may have just flashed back to the scene where Ralph smashes the car and had to just sit and flap my hands and sniffle for a bit. I thought the cartoon dinosaurs used up all my feelings earlier but I WAS WRONG, GODDAMMIT VANELLOPE, YOU WERE A PRINCESS ALL ALONG, and then you were all "I'm gonna be a hoodie-wearing president" and I can't even talk about how fantastic that is, like, there is so much to say about this movie but all I can really do is sit here and squeak. So vidder, if you have deep things to say, say them in vid form! Or just make something adorable! It's all good!
Dear vidder, you are awesome for reading all the way through this. Seriously, whatever you make will be amazing, and I will love it because it's from you. So no worries. This is Festivids! I'm excited! Are you excited? LET'S DO THIS SHIT!

Also posted to Dreamwidth (
comments). Comment wherever you like.

vidding, festivids

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