A new beginning . . .

Jul 12, 2005 13:05

After the WC maintenance uprooted my love of journaling and brought it to a near complete hault for a few months, I too following the crowd and turned to LJ in my desperation - heh.

Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure where to begin, or how to work this darn thing.

Begin at the beginning is always a good start, but if the beginning is somewhere else then does one pick up where they left off or do a recap of the last year and half's events and wedding plans?

I suppose this journal will serve to pick up "Where the trials and tribulations of a dream vs. a budget," "Cursed with expensive taste" and "The story of an indecisive yet perfectionist bride to be . . ." left off.

To all reading, I spelled my name correctly this time. Proud?  I am!!

So, here is where it all began (again).

Lindsay & Steve

Oh, this is easy!  I'm a fan!
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