Mar 07, 2011 14:38
I thought that I'd let anyone who reads this journal of mine in on a fun past time I have recently discovered. Of course, I did discover this during Midterms week and it was only because of my friend who is just as much (of more) of a procrastinator than I am. And it actually took me a few days of moping to actually get it to work... but it is still amazing.
Sorry......... I'll get on with it.......
So basically, there are these things called "shimeji" which are basically animated characters who wander around your computer screen and get into various forms of trouble. Either they sit peacefully at the bottom of your screen, walk back and forth across your internet/im window, or glomp the sides/bottoms of these windows........ or they get annoyed with you and try to throw (and often succeed in) these windows off screen until you get them back.
But it is *ridiculous* just how much fun they are!
Right now I have Ten, and Mycroft, Watson, Sherlock, and Moriarity from the BBC's Sherlock on my computer and it is absolutely ridiculous. Especially when you have all of them going at once (not a good idea for all the time). Ten likes being mope-y (and cloning himself), Sherlock likes yelling at me that he's bored/moping, Watson likes jumping around, Mycroft likes doing a Mary Poppins-esque thing with his umbrella, and Moriarity just likes smiling creepily. And yes, they do like cloning themselves... so watch out for that.
If you can't tell already how much I love these guys......then maybe I'll just keep going.
No, I won't... Just joking.
Anyways, there's also shimeji of a ton of other characters.......... if you want to look them up, go to and search/browse 'Shimeji' Lots of results should come up, including the ones I mentioned. There should also be instructions on how to download them.... hopefully.
I should also say that Mac users, I'm sorry but you're out of luck. Unless you have some program called 'parallels' I think? This is only for Windows. So yes, finally something Mac's *can't* do but Windows *can* le gasp.
(Ten just tried to steal my firefox window...... *bad* time lord)
Have fun and enjoy~! ^^
fun with shimeji