RPS Pimpage :2

Apr 30, 2005 15:29

LOTR RPS RPG community. XD

Join lifellowship!!!
"This RPG community has been designed for playing celebrities. Characters include our versions of the actors, their family, and friends, and friends-to-be. These characters are being played in their own Alternate Universe (AU). The characters we strongly play are those related to The Lord of the Rings, however others may join. This community takes place during filming (two months after start), but again, any actors can mingle. **Only two actors are taken!** Please read all rules/requirements, etc before joining."

Orlando and Elijah are taken. BUT WE NEED MORE. Orlando can't torture Elijah all on his onsies.

If you have people on your friends list who might be interested, copy the above and post it in your journal, please? <33
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