A catchy name, yes? I am proud to present the first ever (I think?) actual organized fic challenge ever to grace the pages of this LJ. Welcome, one and all!
Firstly, THE RULES.
1. Signups are open on this post until (wait for it) March 11th, 2014. And lest you think this is a completely arbitrary date,
it's not. That will be our fic-writing battle cry!
2. On The Eleventh of March, I will give all signer-uppers a bingo card of prompts, and that will be your cue to get writing!
4. You have three lengths of fic to choose from: a) wee--minimum 500 words 2) goodly--minimum 1,000 words, or c) GO BIG OR GO HOME--minimum 5,000 words. You must declare which length you choose when you sign up.
5. You also have a choice regarding prompts. 1) All fics must include at least TWO prompts from your card, but seeing as the centre spot is a wild card, I don't think it will cause anyone fits. b) For those of you who are feeling reckless brave, you can also treat this as a true bingo. In that case, you must write 5 fics (minimum 500 words each), ONE prompt for each, forming a line in any direction on your bingo card. (We all know how to play bingo, right? Right.) Again, you must declare your choice between one fic (two prompts) or five fics (one prompt each).
(Although let's be honest. If you choose one fic and end up writing three, no one's gonna complain.)
6. Fics are due April 30th. That should be enough time, right? On April 30th, post your fic(s) to any unlocked journal or comm and link to it on the challenge finale entry I will post that day. Once all entries have been received, I'll put up a master list of links and fandoms and such.
7. This is me running the challenge, which means most rules are only gentle suggestions. I ain't no challenge police. If you need to make a change at any time, just message me. Likewise, if there are glaring problems with this challenge that I (a newbie host) have completely missed, it wouldn't surprise me in the least, so just let me know.
8. PIMP THIS CHALLENGE! (Please? See rule #7.)
Secondly. Oh. Nope, there is no secondly.
EDIT: All bingo cards were created with the fabulous
Online Bingo Card and Prompt Generator, courtesy of the talented