Well Bread.

Sep 28, 2003 20:03

Stole some more bread today.
There is currently a spare room in the house, and Mummy McCann and I had a wee lie in the sun on the spare bed. It was nice. I tried to skydive out of the window at one point, but was rescued, and the window was promptly shut again. Yesterday my ginger/peach alien friend who is going to cohabitate with me at some point in the very near future came for a play with me. I was a total pussy, and bowed down to her authority...I was totally submissive, and lay on my tummy while she stood over me, and made a vague effort to hiss at me, before she finally agreed to play nicely. I think I will like living with Cat (as long as Mummys McCann and Fisher, respectively, still think I am the best moggy!).
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