And the man in the back said "Everyone attack!" and it turned into a Ballroom Blitz!!!!

May 20, 2009 06:45

Guess what? In exactly one week (7 days, people!) it will be my birthday. And I will be 15 years old. (I now have the morbid desire to point out the fact that if I died at the age of 30 - which very well may happen - I would have lived about half my life now. But I won't, I won't.)

I also decided that, if Sigmund Freud is to be believed (which probably he isn't), then the little thing that wakes me up at night to go write songs is my superego. I say this because the part of your mind called the superego is often characterized as being like your mother or someone talking to you in your head, and whenever I tell my grandmother of something even mildly interesting (even if it's only a singular line I want to use in a song), she always says, "Oh, Bonnie, go write that right away!" (Sometimes I have to tell her "But Gramie, I don't know what's going to happen in that story, I've only got one of the characters made up!" or "Gramie, that's only one line from a song, I don't even have a tune made up yet!")

My mother is talking on the phone right now in the other room. I heard her say something like "she's very interesting" and "she's very depressed". Both of these descriptions apply to me, if you think about it. I wonder if she's talking about me. I wonder who she's talking to. (Maybe another psychologist.) This kind of reminds me of the time I saw an e-mail my mother was writing to one of my former teachers telling me about the woman who became my 7th grade teacher, and mum was worried because she knew she was going to teach me for 7th grade, and I also had some classes with her in 6th grade so we knew each other, and apparently she would always call me a maniac behind my back. At the time I didn't actually care. (In fact, I was almost glad to hear it, because I didn't much like her anyway and I've always aimed for lunacy to some degree.) But now I realize that someone actually thought I was nuts. Which is a little frightening, seeing as I was much further than from being nuts than I am now.

And I just heard my mum say "Dr. Franke" to whoever is on the phone. Dr. Franke's my psychologist, so hmm...I wonder what's going on.

Hey, I had a really interesting dream last night. I dreamt that I was going to be in a band that covered songs by the Doors (a Doors tribute band or something, but we always made the songs sound real different from the originals - not like the Who Show, where, good though it was, I might as well have been listening to the originals). And apparently it had come together without my knowledge, and I became aware about two hours before we did a concert. And I was to be in the concert. I had no practice whatsoever, and I didn't even know what I was going to play. I remember I was loaded up in a car with three other members and driven to the place we'd have the show. No one was there, and there were all the instruments for us to play, so they started teaching us the songs. So Mark was going to be the bass player, my dad's friend Doug (the guitarist from the band he's in and one of the teachers at his studio) was the guitarist, I was the keyboard player, and I can't remember who the singer was. (Maybe it was my dad.) And so they decided the first song we'd do would be Roadhouse Blues, and I was all, "Oh my gosh, I don't know that one!" and all panicked-like. And Mark was telling me "Don't panic!" (which is what is on the cover of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" as well as my music book; it's also a Coldplay song, but I don't know if he knows that). So I tried to figure the song out, and I got something that, well, was the right notes but didn't sound as though they were played the right way. I don't know why I was stressing out so much, as I'm pretty proficient with the piano. But I started worrying over whether it should be an E minor or E major chord, and I was worrying about if the original song even had piano in it. (When I woke up this morning, I tried playing it in my head several times before getting out of bed. There is.) Then I said, "Guys, I just realized we don't have a drummer." And Doug said, "We do, she's just not here yet." And then, almost like it was on cue, the drummer came in. And, strangely enough, she was someone I recognized but did not know. The drummer for our Doors cover band was a lady I've frequently seen at working at the library but who I've only spoke to all of twice. (Maybe only once; it depends on if you count me checking out CD's at the library and her saying, "Kraftwerk is very good".)

That's where my dream ended.

Last night I met with my math tutor Caryn. It was very fun. She taught me about parabolas and we listened to my new King Crimson record.

Last night I asked my mum what we will do today. She didn't know. Today's still sort of up in the air for her. I believe I will be left home alone with my sister for about an hour today. If we're lucky we can get some recording in. That would be nice. Now if only I can get her to work with me for more than two minutes at a time!

And it is a very short time until summer begins. I am anxiously looking forward to it. Anxiously! It's like looking up at the clock and you know the bell will ring and you're just WAITING FOR IT! AAAAGH!!!!!!

I am looking forward to summer.

summer, birthday, music, mark, gramie, school, coldplay, dr. franke, caryn, mum, psychologist, the doors

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