Nov 01, 2006 01:59
Halloween Weekend:
spent a lot of time on friday with Ali and Rachel watching Singing in the Rain and gossiping... hence rachel ali and i have been iming eachother ever since with things like "moses supposes his toeses are roses" and the other responding "but moses supposes erroneously" and on like that... we've also decided that gene kelly is possibly the most beautiful man ever, and it is impossible for him to not be beautiful. keep in mind we are musical theater geeks and therefore at the complete mercy of any very goodlooking man that can act sing and dance.
chelsea was in town so i got to catch up with her, i've come to the conclusion that my highschool friends are why i think i am not that interesting. afterall i've never done a stint as a dominatrix travelled allove the world or learned how to weld things. i love her though and i swear she's gotten even prettier and is still as bad an influence as ever... we are so bitchy in the best way when together... it's really for the better that we live 200 miles apart. if we put our minds to it im pretty sure we could take over the world. or rival women's magazines for our bitchiness.
sunday was spent in frantic hw.
i miss the simplicity of life that was yellowstone, i miss being able to smile the right way have him interpret it correctly and then walk off into the woods or the beach or someone's room together... none of this maneuvering and coordination of schedules i just want to grab him and drag him off to a closet somewhere in katzen and not worry about this date stuff but he's a date person. and i like him enough where i don't really want to grab some guy where there's sexual tension and drag him off... assuming that aidan is actually busy with the campaign and not just pulling my leg, he seems to be into me but if he puts it off again.... i might just follow kim's advice and see about grabbing coffee or something some afternoon with him. or i just might pound his head in, which would definately ruin everything. i probably could beat him up, and that is slight consolation.
What i really need is some reassurance that he really is busy. And that I'm not repulsive or anything.
i need to make an appointment with an advisor and remember when to register