Jul 03, 2008 15:08
So many time in the past weeks i've thought "I should post about that" but i never do. Here are my much-condensed bullet points of laziness. Sorry to bore you...
1. The movie Mongol about the early life of Ghengiz Khan is totally awesome. Amazing tale, amazing scenery, amazing acting, amazing people. My and my Man went out to Dendy Newtown to see it. (Going out to see a movie is a bit rare these days for us.)
2. Insert anti-WYD-everything here. Loved today's Heckler in SMH which ranted about the complete lack of say that the population of Sydney had in this massively disruptive event that is eating our tax dollars, and the ludicrous rules and regulations that are being imposed...
"I am annoyed to my core by the juggernaut that is World Youth Day. Who can I fine?"
3. There is a construction site outside my kitchen window. The trees, our fence and two feet of our garden have disappeared.
Turns out that when the old fence was put in decades ago, they kinda misjudged the property boundary and now next door has claimed it back. Oops!
But yay for Summer Hill - the development going in is a SINGLE STORY building. Hooray for retaining sunlight.
4. Airconditioning sucks arse. I've aged 5 years since i've been here, i swear. I'm trying to drink heaps of water to replenish my skin moisture, but mostly i'm just packing in my kidneys and tripling my toilet paper consumption.
You know, thousands upon thousands of women work in offices and manage to stave off the pruning of the face - or is that just the inch of make-up that they plaster on to compensate?
5. Went to Frank Woodley's solo show, Possessed, with my brother the other week. Awesome. Slapstick comedy and dramatic genius. Gotta love my brother.
6. Speaking of my brother, he's going to be moving in with the two lovely ladies who are to be my bridesmaids! This makes me happy.
Enough already. I should really post something of more immediacy next time.