Last chemo, yay!!!!!!!!

May 06, 2008 19:09

So I went and got my last chemo today. They almost cancelled it at first, because they thought that I had a fever, so they had to run some tests first.
But after 45 minutes it was ok, and I got my last chemo!!! They even put a flag on the table to celebrate;)

And I went and talked to the doctor about the radiation therapy. It turns out that there are nine weeks waiting time for the treatment here in Denmark, and I am supposed to get it with in four weeks so I will be going to Norway for treatment, there they only have two weeks waiting. So within tree weeks or so I will be going to Oslo.
And the treatment takes seven weeks because I will be getting 33 treatments instead of the scheduled 24. They do it different in Oslo so that is why.
So now I just have to get through the secondary effects from this chemo, and then start planning the next treatment;)

So that is how things stands for now;)

chemo, cancer, treatment

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