Nov 29, 2015 20:59

First; Pictures from the Paul Potts concert Mum and I attended on Sunday 15th.

Ok - On Saturday21, I got a new Television. 40 inches and flat screen... Amazing.

The one I had was 20 years old and I could nog get any new channels on it - I had like 13 channels, paying for 40 or something.
The guy that came with the new one, had never seen a TV like mine before ;)
I also got a cash loan along with the TV, so I had some money for Christmas and
other stuff.
I am in debt until 2022, but well…

Monday, Mum and I went to the library with the yearly Christmas presents for the “children without Christmas”. We had two big black sacks with toys, books and dvd`s for them.
We came across a one-week shop that collected money for Africa, so Mum bought a handmade bag and me two necklaces made of paper. Therefore, that was a little help there too.

Tuesday Mum and I went to the annual Cancer Christmas Concert.
This year it was the Danish Trumpet Player, Per Nielsen. (We heard him 3 years ago)
It was amazing. (I know the pictures aren`t great, but they are mine)

Wednesday we did nothing ;)

Thursday 26th was Dads 71 birthday so Mum and I went to the cemetery with flowers and rosemary.

We walked through the cemetery and through the park to the bus station. On the way, I met a former choir member. It was so nice meeting her again. I haven`t been in the choir for 8 years and she remembered me.
It was so nice meeting her.

When I got home, there were a parcel waiting for me.
New clothes, for the first time in years and years. I´ve ordered it from a homepage that had big sizes and all of it fit me ♥

Friday 27 was Christmas Night in Aalborg.
Mum and I took Rebecca and Benedicte for all the Christmas joy.
SIS got the girls` Advent Presents from both Mum and me. The girls got some pocket money from both Mum and me, and they bought presents and sweets.
I bought some Christmas presents too, and Mum treated us all for burgers and fries in Burger King.
It was a great evening.

Yesterday, Saturday, The scouts had the yearly Christmas Market in the Church.
So again, Mum and I went to support them. We bought some presents and bought some “hearts” that earned us a gift for every heart. So helping there too…
In the afternoon, BRO arrived to get us out for coffee and dinner with SIL and the girls too. Mum and I brought the girls` Advents presents.
I spend my time divided between Sarah and Thea; talking to Sarah about love life and books and theatre, and with Thea watching a Monster High movie, where she could curl up in my lap and entwine our fingers and just getting my attention.

It was a nice time.

Today was the first Sunday in Advent: I went to Mums and we had presents for each other.
I got two Christmas gnomes that I had wished for. I gave Mum a blue cardigan and a necklace.
Then we had coffee and watched three episodes of SPN season 9...
A good day…

community, depression, anniversary, dad, snow, family, supernatural, personal, Thank you♥, help, sick, nieces, jewellery, holidays, rebecca, pay it forward, fandom, gift, benedicte, support day, birthday, disability pension, pimping, love, thoughts, random, icon, mum, lj, i have the best friends in the world, life, market, friends, thea, pictures, infections, sarah, rambling, rl

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