Nov 20, 2015 21:00
Tuesday I had my Neurologist appointment,
He was a sweet guy, a little younger than me, but competent.
He asked a lot of relevent questions about the "attacks" I get sometimes when I get to stand.
He made some tests on me, and in the end he came to the same conclution I made months ago.........Somehow, if I sit for to long, some nerves or muscles need blood so I get the attacts , if I sit to long.
His treatment was to sit the oven timer for 30 min, for a while until I get into a habit of doing the paused myself-
I am pleased with the verdict . at least my brain is not damaged by that...
Today I went to the hospital to get my hemochromatosis sorted out...
Just to be told, as I have only one sick gene, they cannot treat it as that..
Turned out that my liver has some "defects", but they do not know what causes it....
So the bottom line.....I have to much iron in my blood, my pain level is getting higher and higher - and not a thing they can do, but tell me not to eat vitamins in pill form...
blood tests,
i have the best friends in the world,