Sep 17, 2015 16:37

Ok first the dates in order;
The 7th, Mum and I send a parcel to Bosnia, this time with the 2 pairs of Converse Shoes that the 2 girls, Selma and Ramela, have been asking for, for a long time.
The eighth, we had knitting club. I gave out flyers for Pink Saturday, that some of the Ladies have promised to put in mailboxes, in their aria.
On the 12th Mum and I went to Rebecca’s 13th birthday (her birthday is on the 20th). I´ve bought her Bambi on DVD, it was a wish from her, and a silver necklace formed as a swan, with a purple crystal in it. She liked that a lot.
I gave Benedicte a pair of earrings that I had made; “The Golden Snitch” from Harry Potter. She liked them too.
On Monday 14th, Mum had an appointment to get her new hearing aids. They were expensive, but fortunate she could get all the money back from the medical security.
The 15th we had knitting club again, and I was able to make a list of the people actually selling things on October
Today Mum had two appointments at the hospital; first, she had a talk with a doctor about her colon scan, and that talk turned out well.
Then later she had an appointment at the Mamma clinic for a check-up, and that was fine too. The doctor told her, that she only have a to get a check-up once a year and not every 6 months.
Therefore, we went home; happy...
Tomorrow Mum and I will go to IKEA, to buy a guest bed.
We don`t want burned_phoenix, Kerstin, to sleep on the floor, when she arrives for the yearly week of Pink Saturday, love, fun and soooooo many hugs that have to last for the next year.
We will eat the delicious chicken dish they have before we go home.
Benedicte will come and stay with Mum from Friday night to Saturday.
I still haven`t heard anything about the MR-Scan. If I don`t get a letter in the next two days, I´ll call the hospital on Monday, to get a date. I have an appointment for the results on October 6…not worth much, if I haven`t had the Scan, right?
I think that is al for now. I am sorry if I have missed something important, I´ll do my best to keep up with all of you.

depression, cancer, october, love, thoughts, random, mum, mammograms, family, lj, i have the best friends in the world, life, personal, breast cancer month, Thank you♥, friends, holidays, nieces, pink saturday, rambling, pay it forward, rl

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