Aug 14, 2015 16:00

Yesterday I went to the hospital for the new blood tests. In a week, I will know if I suffer from “Hemochromatosis”, of if it is something else.

I don´t have any ID as everything was in my wallet that was stolen. It is such a weird feeling don`t having anything at all that can prove who you are.

I brought the police report and my disability pension report, as my Social security number is on those papers and that was ok.

Today I got my new Visa card and now I have a card with my name on; I don´t have any money in my account but I could update all my accounts, where I use my Visa.

I have been thinking of making a post on Wish list on LJ, where people sometime ask for help if they are in need.
I have donated money to people over the years, and thought that maybe someone would help me out a little.

Is getting your wallet stolen, then the thief abusing your credit card, cleaning out your account down to missing almost 3000kr, enough to set up a plea? Being on disability pension is making ends meet hard with all the money, so having almost ¼ stolen makes it impossible.

I know there are people there, that need money a lot more than I do, but I am on the end of my rope now….

Should I do it you think?

depression, hospital, disability pension, love, thoughts, random, blood tests, family, lj, i have the best friends in the world, life, personal, help, Thank you♥, sick, friends, pictures, rambling, rl

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