Aug 12, 2015 17:32

Iron is one of the minerals that the body needs to function.
Iron levels are a number that indicates how much iron you have in your body, most of your life it is 50. At my age, it should be around 45 and mine is now over 800.

That could mean that I have “Hemochromatosis”.
That is an illness where the body keep all the iron from the bowels and then stock it around the body, mostly the joints, kidneys, liver and heart.

What will happen over the years is that the body poisons itself.
Arthritis symptoms in the joints, kidney and liver failure and in the end heart failure and heart stop.

There is no medication for it so the treatment is that for the first year the hospital will remove ½ liter of blood, once a week. After that, it will be eight-12 times a year. For the rest of your life.

Therefore, if there are praying people here, I would be glad for a prayer that this is something else.


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