Dec 17, 2014 16:52

First, I´ve finally finished with the Christmas Cards and presents!
The last five got in the post today ;)
Let me know when you get them please...

Weekend before last, we had snow here ^^
It came lay there for a while and melted the next day - but we have had snow here in December.

The Church from my balcony

Church from my Balcony

My “Rose of Jericho” produced a tiny Christmas Santa, when it opened this year.
It is a fun plant.
Completely dry, brown all year, until I unpack it in December, and gives it a little water.
Within a few hours, it is open and green…

Gotten out for this year

Couple of hours later

Sarah has a song she would like you to listen to

This next one is her take of Johnlock (Sherlock fandom)
Please take time to hear her out, even if you are anot a fan..... just listen to her English, she is 14 years old and Danish

She will love for you to give feed back and coments, she values your opinions very very much,,

She has also gotten a “maybe-turns-into-boyfriend-someday” friend from school.
They have been to the movies, and at the Christmas Market, where he hold her hand on the Ferris wheel.
So sweet.

He is a Dr. Who fan, 10th Doctor. He is also a tea lover, so she wanted to give him a mug and a tea infuser. She would paint the mug, and I would make a Dr. tea infuser.

Therefore, I bought charms on the internet and made this for her:

Dr. Who tea infuser

The charms

I took two busses to her school yesterday to give it to her (as my brother, that drives past here every day for work, would not pick it up)
She is so pleased with it.

Yesterday I also found a piece of glass in my store bought pasta salad, when I bit into it...So not funny.

So not good...

Not easy to see in this picture, but it is there

I got a compensation, twice the salads price, and a heartfelt apology from the butcher, but it will probably be some time, before I buy any of the salads again though.

Tonight I have dinner with Mum, Crazy!Aunt and her boyfriend.
Mum asked last week if I would be there, as she was not up to face them alone.
C!A invited themselves over, for exchanging presents, but she wanted dinner too. Mum agreed, as she can push out of more socializing with them this year - and maybe a little into next year.
Mum is doing well, but not perfect and I am a good buffer and can cut down C!A if needed.

Last but not least;
Thank you so much for Christmas cards and presents from:

Angels_cordy, Aelia1980, Alena2b, Alethea293, Bflyw, Biggelois, Honeyjojames, Redcandle and Shanacie_quill.

Love you all ♥

hot boys, christmas, eye candy, gay rights, making stuff, pimping, love, snow, thoughts, mum, family, lj, i have the best friends in the world, life, bleep my nieces say, personal, Thank you♥, help, nieces, friends, holidays, pictures, fanfic, sarah, rl, fandom

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